Chapter 8

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"Natalie.." He walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down. "What happened?" Maybe if I told him he would make me feel better. But even if he could make me feel better it wouldn't last forever. I explained the dream and shuddered when I finally finished. He was quiet for a moment probably thinking of what to say to make everything okay. But nothing will be okay. "You know none of that is true... right?" I bit my lip knowing that its possibly true but I just shrugged and looked down at the bed sheets. He placed his finger under my chin and lifted my face towards his. "None of that is true, okay? Please Natalie, don't believe that." I let out a breath and nodded to assure him. "Yeah okay." He kept gazing into my eyes and brushed off a tear. I could feel my heart racing, I wonder if he could hear it because I can.

I could also feel my cheeks heating. I hope its dark enough so he can't see it. Then he kissed my forehead and whispered against it, "I care." and he left. I leaned against my pillow, finally realizing what I am feeling. I couldn't possibly be falling for Chris... could I? I sound so stupid. How could I never notice my feelings for him. Anyways there are millions of other girls who are way better than me and they actually deserve him. And he couldn't have the same feelings toward me. Well I don't really know that but I'm sure he doesn't feel the same way. Yeah he couldn't like me...

"Good Morning." Chris smiled as I sat on the couch. "Morning." I mumbled, still a little over dazed from last night. He had a book placed on his lap with a warm cup of tea sitting on the coffee table in front of us. I watched how his fingers skimmed the pages and how they fumbled with the corners. And how he got a little crease whenever he furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes shifted over the pages. Am I really falling for him? I shook the thought off and grabbed my laptop from the coffee table, desperately trying to find a way to escape from my thoughts.

I checked my emails, finding mostly information about future meet and greets and from my manager, Grace. I glanced at the time, 7:03 am, seeing it was pretty early. I was about to go back to my email checking when I suddenly thought, what day is it today? I scrolled over to the date/time icon and it read that it is Monday. Monday.. oh crap I forgot we have school today. "Chris, did you forget that we have school today?" He lifted his gaze from the book and lifted an eyebrow. "We have school today?" I nodded. "I thought so." I shut the laptop and rushed upstairs to change into a decent outfit. I slipped on a pair of denim ripped shorts and a black crop top,then I tied a red and black flannel around my waist. And then I put on a pair of black converse. (A/N: As seen in the picture above) I stood in front of my mirror and applied my makeup. I curled my eyelashes and applied mascara and eyeliner. I also put on a light blush and some lipstick. For my hair, I curled it and got a loose piece of hair and pinned it back with a black bow.

I grabbed my backpack off my beanbag chair and walked down the stairs. Somehow Chris changed into a white shirt with a dark blue leather jacket over it and a pair of black jeans. He's still wearing the same white vans he had on earlier. I grabbed a bowl and some cereal from the kitchen pantry and poured milk into the bowl. I set my bowl down on the counter and hopped on the stool next to Chris. We silently ate our breakfast and I thought about how much I didn't want to go to school. Then, an idea summoned in my mind. "Chris! Chris!" He stopped munching and looked up at me. "What?" I quickly got off the stool and grabbed my laptop from the living room. I walked back to the kitchen and set the laptop in front of us. I googled 'online schools' and gestured towards the computer.

"We don't actually have to go to school if we don't want to. We can always do online school!" I said excitedly. I was excited over the fact that we wouldn't have to go to school anymore. "I have never thought of doing that but maybe we should." I nodded in agreement and he checked the time. "But what we have to focus on right now is not being late to the actual school we are going to." We put our dishes in the sink and I slipped my laptop into my backpack. Chris got all his stuff together and we walked out the door. We drove to school and met Lizbeth at the entrance. Here comes a long day of misery.

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