Chapter 7

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Suddenly, interrupting our laughter, my phone started to vibrate in my hand. It was Lizbeth calling me, he gestured me to answer it. I sighed and lifted the phone to my ear. "Hey." She quickly answered saying "Hey, can you come back? We need to explain some things." So much for the good time I'm having with Matt. "Oh did you two finally calm down?" I thought about all the yelling and it just made me feel like I am responsible for them fighting. "Yeah we did, but where are you?" Matt started playing with my hair while I answered, "Ah, just- I'll be there soon, okay?" She sighed and said "Okay bye."I hung up and turned to Matt, who was finishing a braid he made with my hair. "You know how to braid?" I asked him, kind of shocked to know that. "Yeah I actually do." He chuckled. "Oh, well I have to go so I'll see you some other time?" I stood up. "Yeah but you should give me your phone number so I can text you, hun we are bestie's now so we have to keep contact." I laughed for the millionth time. "Okay Matt." We exchanged numbers and he hugged me. We waved goodbye and I started walking towards my house when I noticed that I was still wearing his sweater and didn't give it back. I turned around seeing he wasn't at the park anymore. So I slipped my arms into the sweater, put my earbuds in and walked home.

I arrived at the house setting out my options of how I could take what they were about to tell me. Maybe I shouldn't worry much. They are my friends anyways, they'll tell me the truth.. right? I shook the thought off and looked at the bright side. I will be able to know what was so much of a problem that caused my friends to argue about it, although they argue over everything. And I will be able to make the problem disappear just like it was never something that crossed my mind.

I found them in the living room. Strangely everything was calm and silent. They must be pretty serious about this. "Hey." I said and sat beside Chris on the couch. He took one look at me and took a deep breath before blurting out everything, "Natalie I was just so mad because Lizbeth made you get an anxiety attack and you felt terrible and I never knew that you were depressed an-nd then Lizbeth brought up that she was moving and everything was just a mess." I stared at my hands in my lap. So he finally found out. "I never told you because I thought you would think of me as a freak. A-A crazy psychopath." I quietly said. He quickly shook his head, "No, no, Natalie... I would never think of something like that," He took my hands, "You have your reasons for not telling me and I understand but I don't want you thinking things that aren't true, okay?" I paused for a moment. I guess he was right. I shouldn't think things like that although there's a part of me that always thinks its true. That every flaw I have is a disaster. I am a disaster.

But I nodded going along with every lie. I realized I haven't heard a word from Lizbeth I turned to glance at her, she was silently sitting in a chair staring at the floor, keeping everything to herself. "Hey Liz?" She looked up from her daze. "You know none of this is your fault." She opened her mouth to argue but I spoke first. "Please agree with me that none of this is your fault," She was about to argue again but stopped herself and nodded. I stood up, trying my best to force a smile so she could soften a bit and hugged her. I brushed her hair from her ear and whispered, "Thank you." She did something that looked like a smile and sighed trying to get the tension in the air to go away. We all wanted it to go away so I forced a laugh and said, "Was all of this really what I was so worried about? I thought I was going to walk into a room of yelling and us strangling each other."

Chris seemed relieved to feel the tension fading away a little and said, "Yeah well Liz would be the one to start the strangling." He chuckled and Lizbeth gasped and smiled. "That's actually true because look what you did to my vase!" I pointed to the vase near my feet that was shattered in pieces. "I just felt the need to break something! Okay! Sorry." I shook my head and spoke out in between laughs,"That vase was quite expensive and I actually bought it myself! I will not forgive what you did to it." We all laughed until we finally settled down. "I really love you guys." I said. "We love you too."

/ / / / /

I squinted trying to adjust to the dimness in the tiny room. Where was I? I rose to my feet brushing off my jeans, I couldn't see anything, the dim light wasn't enough to help me see where I was. I shifted around running my hands over the walls trying to find anything but all I felt was the bare walls. "Hello?" I spoke out but the only answer I got back was my echo bouncing off the walls. Then that's when I felt the same sharp pain earlier in my side only this time it was worse. I gasped and held my side, closing my eyes thinking it would numb the pain but I opened them to a blur of dizziness. The dim light started to flicker and slowly a burning ache crept into my chest, it blocked my lungs and left me gasping for air. I kneeled down burying my head in my hands trying to make all the pain go away until I heard the voices. "They tell you that you'll be fine, its all in your mind, they'll be here for you. But darling we both clearly know that isn't the truth." I could feel a pair of lips pressed to my ear, moving as they spoke. I lifted my hand to my ear to find nothing. "Its quite a mystery to why everyone lies when they simply could tell you the truth. For example how a pathetic bitch you are, the kind of person everyone would love to see suffocate."

The movement of the lips were driving me crazy. "Stop! Will you?" Another sharp pain struck me leaving me with a throbbing head. The lights started to rapidly flicker. "You know its actually a pleasure to see you cut away your problems. Keep doing it. You're doing a great job slowly dying." Tears swelled up in my eyes making my throat feel thick and heavy. This time instead of another pain hitting me, my body slowly started becoming numb. I took a deep breath but found myself not able to breathe anymore and everything went black. (A/N: Just like my soul :') ) The last thing I heard was a whisper and I could feel their lips curling up to a sick smile, "Finally. Dead, dead you will be."

"No!" I cried out. I frantically looked around the room making sure I wasn't still trapped in that dream. I glanced at my clock, 4:17 am, its was still really early. I yanked my covers off brushing my damp shirt that sent a shiver throughout me. I could feel my eyes brimming with tears and I let them all escape. Until a voice that startled me said "Natalie? Are you okay? Wait you're crying, oh no whats wrong?" I looked up and there was Chris standing in the doorway. He was shirtless and wearing a pair of sweatpants. His hair was also really messy just like whenever he wakes up in the morning, oh yeah I woke him up. "N-Nothing, nothing." I stammered quickly wiping my eyes with my sleeve and blinking to reduce the redness.

"Natalie.." He walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down. "What happened?" Maybe if I told him he would make me feel better. But even if he could make me feel better it wouldn't last forever. I explained the dream and shuddered when I finally finished. He was quiet for a moment probably thinking of what to say to make everything okay. But nothing will be okay. "You know none of that is true... right?" I bit my lip knowing that its possibly true but I just shrugged and looked down at the bed sheets. He placed his finger under my chin and lifted my face towards his. "None of that is true, okay? Please Natalie, don't believe that." I let out a breath and nodded to assure him. "Yeah okay." He kept gazing into my eyes and brushed off a tear. I could feel my heart racing, I wonder if he could hear it because I can.

I could also feel my cheeks heating. I hope its dark enough so he can't see it. Then he kissed my forehead and whispered against it, "I care." and he left. I leaned against my pillow, finally realizing what I am feeling. I couldn't possibly be falling for Chris... could I? I sound so stupid. How could I never notice my feelings for him. Anyways there are millions of other girls who are way better than me and they actually deserve him. And he couldn't have the same feelings toward me. Well I don't really know that but I'm sure he doesn't feel the same way. Yeah he couldn't like me...


Here's another chapter to fill you all in what's happening! Yeah its kind of short, sorry. But we all know Chris definitely has feelings for her, she just never notices it. Maybe #Chritalie will be a thing soon.. Oh and if you want to follow me on instagram my username is @/ scarredfantasies :) I hope this chapter is okay enough but thank you to everyone who actually enjoy this fanfic.

- Natalie

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