A Job

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~ 3 months after FF7 ~

Cassie P.O.V

After locking up Deckard, life was good & calm. I was settled into my semi-retired life. The penthouse was lively with Brian, Mia & Jack. It had plenty of space so no one was stepping onto each other. Jack was getting pampered having a butler around. Brian & Mia teased me for spoiling him. I just laughed it off as they were somewhat right.

As for work, I was taking a few jobs for fun & my reputation. God's Eye was a pain to manoeuvre around but I got the hang of it. I was taking low-risk small jobs like jewellery & sculptures. I wouldn't be doing bank heist or lifting paintings. I had to come back home & couldn't get pinched.

Everyone else was good. They came to visit a bit. It was good seeing Rico & Tego after their casino road trip. The 3 of us enjoyed updating them on our crazy adventure. They were shocked but unsurprised that we got mixed up in it. They were relieved that not too many of us died. Han & Giselle were still a deep wound. 

I kept a close eye on all of them. I let the old team in on tracking Cipher. The more eyes the better knowing what carnage she could cause. So far, she was laying low which made her hard to find. But, I wasn't going to put it past her to make a move sometime soon. 

Owen was nicely resettled. Gaz didn't give me many details. It was better for us all to be left out of the loop. But, he did pass letters. It was the only way to keep in touch. But, it stopped a month & a half ago. I was terribly worried. Both of us were magnets for trouble. With me being careful, it would be him that was in trouble. Gaz was working on picking up his trail.

I needed to hear about Owen soon. I had some life-changing news to share with him. 2 months ago I was throwing up in the mornings. I was slightly more sluggish. I grabbed a pregnancy test & anxiously waited for the result. 

It was positive even after 2 more sticks. My heart stopped as I cradled my stomach. I couldn't believe it as this was the worst situation. I had no idea how to break the news to everyone. They wouldn't give up on me. But, I knew they wouldn't be thrilled to know it was Owen's. For now, I had to keep it a secret.

It was easy to hide as my stomach wasn't noticeable. I stayed home more often for the baby. I started scheduling ultrasound appointments & found out from the doctor that I was 2 and 1/2 months along. I was now clear from the 1st trimester with a healthy babe. Mia's pregnancy took the suspicion off of me as I went out. 

Right now, I was enjoying playing with Jack at the park. Mia & Brian were enjoying a nice date. It was a good day as I chased after Jack & watched him play on the playground. We ended the day with secret ice cream before going home. I was ready to rest until I came up & saw a familiar bald head on the couch.

"Uncle Dom! Aunt Letty!" Jack squealed as he ran to them

"Jack." Letty smiled as they embraced him & showered him with kisses

"You 2 are supposed to be partying in the Caribbean. Why come back to Smogville?" I asked

"We missed you. I can't get homesick." Dom replied

"Ok. Well, I'm beat after a day with him. You riled him up so you can play with him. Jet lagged or not." I let it slide

"Cass, come on. Help me out?" Dom pleaded

"Noope. I've already punched out." I smirked as Jack tugged on his hands

I laughed as I headed to my room. I changed into sweats & a loose shirt before burying myself in the pillows. I was completely knocked out until Brian shook me awake for dinner. He laughed at my groggy, drooly mess. I smacked him good with a spare pillow as I got up. After a quick wash up, I headed to the table.

Harold made a nice stew for dinner. Everyone besides Mia & I was drinking. He snuck me non-alcohol beers which were labelled as normal bottles. I enjoyed catching up & shook my head in awe at Dom's Cuban race. But, I caught some uncomfortableness with talking about Cuba. Something happened which he wasn't telling. I wasn't even sure if he would tell me if I grilled him. 

Brian & Mia left the conversation early to put Jack to bed. We continued talking & joking while waiting for them. Mia came back to tell us goodnight. With the 3 of us alone, I could finally drill him on his visit. Brian had my back as he was suspicious too. 

"Alright Dom, why'd you come? You still have another month of vacation. You wouldn't be cutting it so short for no reason." Brian interrogated

"Like I said, I was homesick. Paradise was fun but it was starting to get stale. I was missing you all." Dom lied

"Dom, just tell us. What's going on?" I called him out

"He has a job for the team. With you both retired, he didn't want to say anything. He wants you both to keep walking away from the bullets." Letty revealed

"Only one of us is retired. Dom, seriously, how could you keep this a secret?" I side-eyed

"I didn't want to ruin your new lives. I know you both would come running to help once I mentioned work." Dom said

"Dom, you're not going to ruin anything. Family looks after each other. It's nothing to be ashamed of." I consoled

"At the beach, I saw how happy you both were with Jack. I couldn't take you away from that." Dom justified

"Jack will always have us because we have each other's backs. We've always been stronger together." Brian assured

"So what's the job?" He asked

"I'm bringing in the team to get a nightshade device for Mr. Nobody. Some terrorists stole it & he needs it back. We leave for Germany in 2 weeks." He spilt

"Jeez, Dom. That's a hell of a job. There's no way you can pull it off without one of us." I pointed out

"Hobbs is in. I just wanted to tell you both so you didn't worry if you couldn't reach us." Dom replied

"Hobbs is a good battering ram. But, he's not a precision driver like us. You can't be a one-man army." I sighed

"Neither of you can come. You're homebodies now." Dom decided

"Bullshite! Brian is out but I'm not." I snapped

"Mia would have my ear if I let you get hurt." He argued

"She'd do that for everyone else. But, she'd kill you for keeping me at home. The 3 of us work best together. Now, we have to get used to just the 2 of us." I glared

"You can give me all teh details & let me help plan. Or, I'll call up Mr. Nobody now & twist his ear until he drops me in. You know I will." I threatened

"Dom, you really shouldn't try calling her bluff." Letty agreed

"You're too damn stubborn." He groaned

"Apple doesn't fall far from the tree." I smirked

"Ok, smartass, better start thinking." He laughed

"Of course. It's my speciality after all." I smirked

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