Siberian Holiday

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Cassie P.O.V

We got back to the base in time to escape the craziness of the city. It was in total lockdown after our stunt. No one besides Dom was identified. It was a surprise no one caught our faces as we escaped.

We gathered around the pit & checked on each other. No one was badly hurt but we were waiting for word on Deck. Little Nobody came back a few minutes later. He relayed the worst news: Deck was dead. Everyone went silent for a bit. He was a bastard but he was focused on helping us beat Cipher. We owed him to beat her.

I got everyone back into the game. The only clue we had was tracking Rhodes. Cipher scrubbed her footprint well. But, she was always a little short-sighted with her henchmen. I was relieved that she forgot to include me in her plans. This small mistake would be her biggest regret. I was enjoying getting a small lead on her. 

"Is enough of his information still up?" I asked as Little Nobody hovered

"Thanks to you we've got enough of a path before it gets scrubbed." Ramsey appreciated

"That looks like somebody's bank account. Why don't we go there?" Rome teased as he sat with Tej

"It's longitude. Given the fact that Dom hit a Russian motorcade, I'd bet it's Russia. Bring up the map." Hobbs figured out

"Great. We can start looking for nuclear silos." I added as Tej & Ramsey combed through the map

"It looks like they just threw letters together." Tej complained as cities were being cross-checked

"It's Vladovin." Mr. Nobody interrupted. We all looked up to see him coming down the stairs

"What are you doing here?" Little Nobody fussed. Meanwhile, Ramsey & Tej began searching the area for targets.

"What? I was gonna check in on you from time to time to see how you were doing. By the way not so hot." He explained like a disappointed dad

"There's nothing in Vladovin. It's just ice." Ramsey disagreed

"That's funny. I could have sworn there was a secret Russian naval base where they retrofitted a Cold War submarine." He snarkily replied

"Well, technically it's not Russian anymore. Base was taken over by a terror group of military separatists about a month & the Russians haven't taken it back yet. So there is a little window of opportunity here." He disclosed. I bit my tongue at the still fairly dangerous mission.

"Russian submarines, nuclear football. It sounds like everything we do our legs gonna be blown off." Rome complained

"It sounds like you're still #11 on the list." Tej retorted, getting a smirk from Ramsey

"It sounds like you've changed since your little punk ass facial hairs then came in." Rome returned as Tej stroked his patchy beard

"Ok boys. Both of you are the smartest & most handsome men in the world. But, we still need to stop a psycho bitch from setting off the nuclear apocalypse." I straightened them out

"Right. So we need to call this in, all the way up the chain." Little Nobody agreed

"That's good thinking champ. Except, unfortunately, the Russian Minister of Defence got himself involved in a little incident on U.S territory. And the 2 governments aren't talking to each other for a while. By the time they do, it'll be too late." Mr. Nobody recapped as he brought the baby to the locked key rack

"So any other suggestions?" He opened up

"Yeah, we got one. How about we just stop them ourselves." I volunteered

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