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Cass P.O.V

True to his word, everyone but Brian flew out to Berlin. We were stealing an emp from terrorists holed up in a derelict shipping yard. I spent the past 2 weeks meticulously planning everyone's moves & making back-up plans. We were good at improvising when getting in a pinch. 

"Ok, we ready to do this?" I asked as we watched the base from the woods

"Rock-solid plan. We're good." Dom assured us as Tej looked out

"Sentries on each tower. They're gonna be in for a surprise." He noted

"Nothing we can't handle." Letty said 

"The sooner we get this to Mr. Nobody the better. I miss my kid." Hobbs sighed

"We'll be in & out before you know it. We'll all be back in our beds." I assured him

"Fine by me." Ramsey smiled as she typed on the computer

"Ramsey, cause some chaos." I ordered to get things started

"Will do." She smirked

She began fiddling with the alarms & lights. The guards were confused as about everything. It was our cue to go in. Rome was given the explosives to plant around the area for a bigger distraction. The rest of us headed to the base to get the emp. 

Hobbs gave us cover as we barreled through the front gate. All of us were armour-plated but Hobbs's car was a tank. Ramsey's quick thinking got the gates opened up fast. We made it inside the hangar & split up. Letty & Tej were driving around crazy to get their attention. 

Hobbs, Dom & I headed deeper in to find it. We ditched the cars with the others & headed down a hall. All of us had pistols & flashbangs. We kept close & fought through the narrow halls. I easily fought back & knocked them out. My military training was coming out with these close-quarter fights. 

It took a while to get to the EMP. It was hidden behind heavy lab doors. Hobbs & Dom gave me cover as I hacked the keypad. It took a few minutes to break through & release the locks. We all looked for a trolley to use to carry it out from the bench. But, there wasn't anything there. We'd have to carry it back to the car. 

"Guys, you find it yet? We can't keep driving forever." Letty asked

"Carrying it out now." Dom quickly replied

"Where's Rome?" I asked

"On my way." He shouted over the radio

"Time to go." Hobbs said

"Yep." I agreed as I helped hoist the emp

We tried to get back to the cars as fast as possible. But, the weight was slowing us down a bit. With the winding halls, it took us a while to get back. I got Hobbs's boot open & helped them secure it. We all got into our cars & started it up. 

"On me!" Dom ordered

We waited a bit for the others before heading to the hangar door. Hobbs & Dom were front. I was behind with Letty, Tej & Ramsey and Rome behind. I set the charges as we got near. 

We quickly escaped through the blasted door. Now we were outside, we could see how well Rome set the explosives. Everything was on fire. My mouth dropped as I saw how thorough he was. 

"You were only supposed to create a diversion Roman." Letty scolded

"It was a diversion." He replied

"How many of the damn explosives did you use?!"Tej chimed in

"I don't know Tej. All of it." Rome muttered

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