Catching Dom

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Cass P.O.V

I appreciated Deck talking with me. I needed a sanity check from all the stress. I wanted our lives to go back to normal. Cipher's meddling was really pissing me off. She was slowly chipping away at my happiness. I was enjoying living my best life with everyone. There was no way in hell, she was going to ruin it. With the baby on the way, I'm going to fight like hell to keep my freedom.

Ramsey was monitoring the police radio while we did last-minute tune-ups. We were all ready to go at a moments notice. It was great timing as Ramsey picked up an ambush on a Russian motorcade. We quickly got into our cars & drove out.

Midtown was a mess as emergency services scrambled to get to the mess. Ramsey pieced together the wreck sequence from nearby cameras which helped us figured out his escape route.  Thanks to her, we could cut Dom off before he slipped away. 

We were nearing the narrow 1-way he was going to use. I stuck with Deck as we would block behind him. The rest of the team would barricade the front. They had more than enough cars to do it if they stayed in place. 

The plan worked out perfectly as we trapped Dom. I nervously gripped & ungripped the steering wheel. Dom was waiting for now as he planned out his next move. He revved his engine to try & scare us. Deck revved his back to antagonise him. He knew none of us would move & fall for any feigns. But, Little Nobody was a wildcard & the only gullible one. I hoped that wasn't his play. But, in his shoes, I'd take those odds.

"Guys, I know why Dom's here. Police scanners are saying he stole a nuclear football." Ramsey informed us

"It's over Toretto! Get your ass out of the car now." Hobbs ordered over the bullhorn. Dom ignored him & let out a longer, intimidating rev. 

"So that's how you want to play this? Let's play." Hobbs challenged

We all got ready as Dom was peeling out. He was playing chicken as he aimed straight. But, we knew it was a play to escape. No one was moving until baby shite got scared.

"He's going for it." He said as he darted out

"Daft cunt." I yelled as Deck & I chased after Dom

"What are you doing?!" Letty berate him over the radio

"It's a trap." Hobbs explained but it was too late

Dom took the opening to ram through a flower shop. Everyone had to scramble after him. Deck & I had to wait for the little punk to spin in the right direction. Thanks to him, we were dead last as Letty led the group. The idiot aggressively tailed Dom, making things harder.

"Now I know what it feels like to be any cop ever chasing us." Tej groaned as we swerved through the crowded street

"I'm gonna get a little closer & pit him." the twat planned

"Oh, so you're just gonna pit Dom?? Little Nobody has clearly lost his little mind." Rome jeered

Everyone went silent to focus. Deck & I managed to catch up to the front. Dom was making crazy turns shake us. But, simple moves like that weren't going to cut it. Everyone but Little Nobody was playing smart. Dom was brutal & would use anything in the street to his advantage. It wasn't good that there was some scaffolding coming up. We pulled back as we knew Dom was doing to crash it down to block us off.

"I'm on him." Little Nobody said

"Easy. Work together." Hobbs reminded him

"Back off. Take the shortcut to the left." I pointed out as I prepared to cut into the park

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