Riding Together

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Cass P.O.V

Things were crazy as usual. The separatists were on our ass & weren't letting up as we headed to the lock. Letty nearly got shot by a stray bullet. But, it only nicked her engine & made her swerve a bit. I carefully watched her & was glad to see she was keeping up. Hobbs caught up after picking up Roman. All of us were hauling ass to get to the lock. 

"We got another problem. That truck's got enough missiles to take us all out." LN warned

"Don't give him a target. Everyone line up & we'll take the hit." Hobbs volunteered

We all listened to him & lines up in a row. I was behind Letty who was upfront while Tej & Ln were behind. We waited to see Hobbs magic trick. He used the snowplough to block the missile just in time. His boot was on fire but the car was still intact.

"Hang in there guys. We're almost to the lock." Ramsey consoled them, aka Rome

"Easy for you to say when your ass ain't on fire!" Rome quipped as we spread out

"They're locking on!" Tej alerted

"Sorry guys. I got no tricks left." Hobbs noted

"What do we do now?" Ramsey worried

"Go on. I'll catch up." I said as I pulled off & headed for the convoy

"Cass, what the hell are you doing?!" Letty panicked as I cracked my window & started firing my pistol at them

"Giving you a break. I'll be fine." I assured her as I got their attention. I quickly holstered my gun & grabbed some semtex to toss out.

"This is suicide! Get back!" Tej shouted as I was getting close to the artillery

Everyone was focused on my crazy plan to notice Dom. He pitted the truck just in time. The missiles went off as it got spun around toward the rest of the convoy. They all got blown up in the blast. I made a quick u-turn from the blast & followed Dom. 

We looked at each other. He glared at me for my ballsy plan. I gave a weak smile since I knew I deserved the giant lecture after this. Everyone was relieved to see us in 1-piece as we headed for the front.

"So this guy's on our side now?" LN complained

"Who the hell cares?! He just saved our ass." Tej snapped

Ln quickly shut up for the rest of the ride. It was great to have him back. The happy moment didn't last for long when torpedos got launched at us. The rest of the convoy caught up. But, Hobbs forced one of them to aim at another artillery truck. 

"Boom baby!" Tej celebrated as it blew up. But like everything, it got turned up to 1,000.

"Oh shit." He muttered as we all saw the sub surface

Cipher went completely batshit as she started to break the ice. She got rid of the convoy but popped up right under us. We all narrowly dodged ice & avoided being crushed. Letty used her hydraulics to jump out onto the smooth ice with us. But, it was still riding our arses.

"Sub's too close. We ain't making it to the gate in time." Hobbs warned

I could feel another heart attack coming. Dom had a crazy plan for taking out the sub. Given the thickness of the shell, we would need another torpedo or missile to take it out. But, the sub was the only thing that had those weapons. 

Dom P.O.V

I was grateful to the Shaws for rescuing Dominic. With him safe, I could rejoin the team & give Cipher hell. She was already paying for killing Elena as I took out Rhodes & saved my team from the Russians. She was definitely pissed since she sent the sub after us. But, we were too slick to get trapped & crushed between the ice.

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