Domestic Bliss

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Cass P.O.V

The old squad was lively & blended with everyone. They got along with Rome & Tej. Bull went in on the drinking games. Reaper encouraged him as he drank everyone under the table. I seriously thought Hobbs might beat him until he started swaying. But, Bull won after a few vodka shots. He happily screamed his head off over his win. Gaz & Reaper had to catch him from falling once the alcohol set in.

Things moved to a slower pace with the party animal knocked out. Everyone was pretty drunk. Letty & Dom took a break to put Brian to sleep. It was perfect timing since Rome started singing. He was drunkenly screeching at first but he suddenly found some pipes. It was pretty fun listening to him. He pulled me into a duet which was fun.

Owen enjoyed our songs. Dom & Letty cheered us on as they rejoined us. Deck recorded it despite me flinging my shoe at him. Ghost caught it after he ducked & gave it back when I got out of singing. I happily rejoined Owen on the settee as Tej took my spot. He started rapping as Rome sang. Rome got a few solos as he had some serious flow. He bowed out from the applause & handed Letty the mic.

She smirked as she pulled up some new songs. It was a reggaetón medley along with some nice ballads. She pulled me into Selena songs after Daddy Yankee. I couldn't help & belt to my favourite songs. But, I couldn't hang for long & had t bow out after 2 1/2 songs. She carried on as I hummed from my seat.

By midnight, the singing was starting to die down. Everyone was lazily lounging around & chatting up. We were reminiscing on old times. The old team had plenty of stories to share. Our old missions made my time with the team like a walk in the park. Rome tried to save face with his informant history. We just listened & decided to let him win. Eventually, we wrapped things up as everyone was barely awake. Mr. Nobody, LN, Hobbs & the old squad left to their homes/ hotels to sober up.

The party was absolutely perfect. It felt nice to relax around everyone. We were long overdue for one. It seemed like forever since we had a peaceful moment. But, everyone had nasty hangovers to pay for the next morning. I had to nurse Owen as we got dressed. 

We joined everyone in the living room around 11:00. Someone had ordered breakfast platters & burritos from an assortment of places. Owen was happy to grab a plate of everything. I did too thanks to the damn pregnancy. The greasy food hit the spot as I filled up pretty quick. We all decided to stay in for most of the day. But, we went out for a walk & hit the cinemas. It was a fun outing as we enjoyed the town. Everyone got along which was a relief.

~ 2 months later ~

Life with Owen was absolute bliss. We had been relocated to a safe house in LA to be near Brian & Mia. I enjoyed being close & babysitting Jack. I had missed him so much. Babysitting was hardly a chore. The extra time with him also helped prep Owen for our future.

He was playful with Jack. Jack enjoyed spending time with him. Mia & Brian were amazed at how well they got along. But, I wasn't surprised at all. This was his normal self & I was so happy to see it. It was a giant middle finger to Cipher as he showed his true personality. Everyone encouraged his new leaf & slowly started to welcome him more. 

Little Brian was adorable & sweet. The 3 of them were settling in nicely. They were still in New York at the safe house. The old house was still under reconstruction. It had to be rebuilt from the ground up. No one was going to be living in it any time soon. So, they were looking into a new home. Dom was leaning towards a quiet place like a farm. I was a little surprised by the stark change. Though, no one would stop them from getting some peace. 

My pregnancy was going well. Owen was so attentive that it was cute. He enjoyed feeling the baby & listening to it. Mia & brian had taken plenty of pictures of him spooning my belly. It made helped fill out the photo album with wholesome pictures. Of course, Mia & Jack were in there too. It wouldn't be right to not have them. They were just as excited to meet their niece & cousin respectively.

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