Mr. Nobody's Help

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Letty P.O.V

None of what was happening was making sense. Dom wouldn't risk imprisonment again for nothing. Him suddenly going rouge had to be from a serious threat to the team. I reflected on our honeymoon for any weird instances or people we might have met. Backpacking through Europe to meet Cass's contact was giving plenty of time. So far, I couldn't think of anyone. 

We made it to her friend's place which was roomy. His name was Ghost & had a strong Irish accent. They knew each other from their military days with Owen Shaw. I got the creeps from that detail as did everyone else. But, we decided to give him a chance since he was taking a big risk harbouring us. 

We set up in his garage with the cars as he worked out our exit plan. His place was a blind spot for hackers. We would be safe from God's Eye & could use the internet freely. We still couldn't talk to people. It was killing me not being able to speak to Mia & Brian. We all knew they had to be freaking out after not hearing from any of us over the past few days. 

Tej & Ramsey were pulling up Dom's phone records for the past few months. They were looking for suspicious calls or numbers. I was hoping they'd come up empty-handed as I looked over pictures. Cass & Rome were wandering the work area waiting for them to finish. 

"Alright, I got his phone records y'all." Tej called out

"It's a whole bunch of calls to untraceable numbers." He shared

"Burner phones right?" Rome asked

"No. Scramblers. It's the same number just buried behind microrouters. Whoever Dom was talking to didn't want to be found. This kind of encryption is way above our paygrade too." Cass explained

"Look I don't know Dom as well as you. But, if we just look at the facts. Dom's been having highly encrypted conversations with some mysterious person. He took out Hobbs. He stole an EMP." Ramsey slowly argued

"So what you saying?" Tej hurried her

"Maybe we should consider the fact that Hobbs is right. Dom did go rouge." She advocated which set me off

I slammed the car door as I headed to their huddle. Their heads all turned to me. Cass started to get in between me & Ramsey just in case. Rome backed her up as he moved up too.

"Letty." Rome urged me as Ramsey looked nervous

"Before you judge the man, remember you're breathing right now because he saved your life." I glared 

With me calmer, Cass let me pass. I knocked into Ramsey's shoulder as I headed up for some air. I blocked them out as I headed to the living room. I locked the door for some privacy. I got 10 minutes before the door opened. The silent entrance had Cass written all over it. I loosened up as I resumed napping. 

"Hey, Ramsey doesn't know what she's talking about. She hasn't had enough time to really get to know us." She talked me down

"I know. But, I'm still pissed that she's quick to write him off. Dom wouldn't do that to any of us. I mean he should hate Brian but he got over that." I complained

"Give her time & we'll rub off on her. Something about us makes new people settle in easily." She consoled me

"I'm glad you have hope. I can't imagine how weird it is to be kinda stepping into Dom's shoes." I pivoted

"Well, it's not anything surprising. I had to do a bit in the military with the guys." She assured me

"I can only imagine teh crazy crap you did. I think I'll be bugging Ghost for stories." I smirked

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