Cipher Comes Knocking

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Cass P.O.V

Everyone breathed in relief that I stopped them. I was surprised myself that it worked. I was expecting Deck to stab me in the back for getting so close. But, he held his tongue & moved back a bit.

"Am I the only one seeing this?" Rome suddenly asked as he pointed outside

"This ought to be good." Little Nobody mumbled

"Use God's Eye. We put our lives on the line running around the world trying to figure this thing out. It can find anybody right? Let's use it to find Dom!" Roman proposed after shushing him

"Roman that is a great idea." Mr. Nobody agreed with a hint of sarcasm which Rome missed

"Did you hear that, good idea." He gloated to Ramsey

"No, no don't tune it out." He smiled as she gave him an eye roll

"Mr. Nobody, crack on." I said

Everyone but Deck followed him outside. Ramsey & Tej got to the computers after Mr. Nobody gave them access. The rest of us watched from the steps as they worked. Letty rested her head on my shoulder as we sat on the steps.

"Got him. He's in London." Tej said as the map pinged

"Wait, we've got a 2nd match in Hong Kong." Ramsey corrected

"Beijing & Seoul." some muttered

"And Tokyo." Tej said as the world map began to fill with red dots

"And just about every other major city on the planet." Ramsey disappointedly sighed

"And so, God's Eye was where we started. But, Cipher's already created an evasion that masks their location by pinging random spots all over the globe. And so, it was a good though Roman." Mr. Nobody explained as he walked to Ramsey

"So she's made my hacking program obsolete." Ramsey annoyedly commented

"And that Ramsey is why you're here." He cheered her up

"See simple solutions aren't gonna cut it here slick." Nobody's clone antagonised Rome as he passed

"Wait a sec. Why are you looking at me when you say that?" Rome fired back as Mr. Nobody patted his shoulder

"Wait wait. Simple solutions just might cut it. You see for God's Eye to give off these false pings means they have to be using a flea relay." Tej realised

"Watch these 2." Mr. Nobody whispered to his henchman

"Which means it has a decaying sync randomiser." Ramsey picked up

"Which we can reverse." Tej smiled

"And find Dom's real location. Tej that's bloody brilliant." I chimed in

"Telling you they got skills." Mr. Nobody appreciated

"See that was my idea. That's what I was saying in there, remember." Rome saved face

"Alright, let's try this." Mr. Nobody greenlighted

Tej & Ramsey clicked away to clean up the map. Continents were slowly being cleared. I was proud of them as they were giving us a well-needed trail.

"It's working." Ramsey noted

"It's time you wanna check your manual & start organising a 1st response." Hobbs instructed the baby. It worked as he began ordering over his radio.

"He's still green." Mr. Nobody clowned

"Yeah like fresh baby shit." Hobbs nailed

Once he finished, he turned to them for their opinion. Mr. Nobody gave him a sympathy thumbs up while Hobbs gave an appropriate so-so. The distraction was perfect for Rome to sneak up on him.

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