The Toy Shop

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Cass P.O.V

We were allowed to clean up before leaving for New York. Luckily, we had some spare clothes from trying to run away after Berlin. We all made quick showers before getting into the plane. I babysat everyone from antagonising Deckard. Hobbs was frustrating but worked with me by settling for glares. Eventually, people started to fall asleep. I did too as the exhaustion from these past few days set in.

I woke up as we landed. We were quickly moved into a van. Unfortunately, it was a refrigerated fishing truck. We spaced out from each other & especially the fish as best we could. I hoped for a short ride as the fish stench was suffocating.

"And why are we travelling like this again?!" Roman complained

Deck rolled his eyes while I eyed his gun & knife tucked in his back. Luckily, he decided to spare him from a knife in the back or a quick headshot.

"Cause Dom took God's Eye. So we need to stay off the grid." Tej curtly reminded him

"Rome, your complaining is irritating everyone's eardrums. And there's 2 people behind you who can hurt you if we want to." I reminded him which got him quiet for a bit. We continued on for a bit & took a few turns before reaching our destination.

"I'm just saying. But like this?" He pouted as the driver parked

The back door rolled up to reveal a fish warehouse. My nostrils got hit with more pungent fish smells & now blood. The truck seemed like nothing in comparison. If Roman & Tej didn't move faster, I was about to kick them down the ramp. They got the sense to start moving down. 

"Look here man. Before I throw up in my mouth, let me ask you. What are we doing here?" Rome snapped at Little Nobody, who was waiting at the end of the ramp

"That's a good question Roman. Let me show you." He cheekily answered

We all lined up in front of huge double doors. The alarm flashed orange as it slowly opened. When it did, we were in paradise as it was lined with expensive supercars. 

"Welcome to our new base of operations." He welcomed

"No seriously what is this place?" Letty asked

"This is a literal gold mine. Some people would pay a pretty penny for a few of these cars." I muttered, earning a glare from Little Nobody

"I'm a thief what do you expect?" I scoffed

"This is paradise." Tej muttered, offsetting some of the tension

"It's the agency garage. They call it The Toyshop." Hobbs clarified

The name was very fitting after seeing it in person. Little Nobody walked forward & led us deeper in on a guided tour. Everyone was looking around & taking mental notes of their potential car.

"This is where we store every vehicle seized from drug dealers on the East Coast." Little Nobody shared

"Now Mr. Nobody said that if we're gonna have a chance of catching Dom. We're gonna have to be damn fast." He repeated

"Figured this would help." He finished as we stopped halfway in

Deckard split away to look at an army truck. Hobbs watched his every move as everyone started to walk around. Tej quickly spotted the tank & began checking it out. I couldn't lie that it was impressive & joined him as he mumbled the specs. Honestly after Spain, he was itching to use a tank on someone.

"You didn't get this from drug dealers." Ramsey noticed

"No. That uuh the US army lent me." Baby nobody stuttered

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