My Favorite Poison《gn! reader x Fyodor Dostoevsky》

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You and fyodor loved each other. You were the perfect couple. He was a tall, handsome, lanky man, and you complemented him perfectly. Both of you couldn't be happier with your lives right now.
So why did your smile never reach your eyes when you talked to him? Why did his expression look more commanding than loving? Why did he never leave any important documents near you? Why do you never kiss him like you used to?
Why does being with him feel like a burden?
It's simple, really. You both had met a few years ago and fallen in love with each other.
What you both didn't realize at the time, was just how cunning and dangerously manipulative the other was.
You both were probably attracted to each other because of how similar you both were. Both of you had a God complex. Only now do you realize, that you two were powerful, headstrong gods, with opposite views of the world.
You believed in a clean world, devoid of evil. So did he. But in your eyes, he was evil too. Anyone who disturbs the serenity of the world is evil. It was all about balance for you. You believed in equal amount of good and bad. And that's how the world is. It is a lot of bad mixed with a lot of good, making it neither, as a whole. Anyone who tampers with this balance, is a criminal.
You, being the all knowing, were the only one exempted from this rule. For you created some ruckus, and watched how the world reacted. It was amusing for you. The way the mortals scrambled to keep up with pretenses, and killed to maintain decorum. The irony was humorous. It was your way of testing your people. Throwing them under the bus, and observing just how far they would go to survive.
Fyodor wasn't the same. His methods were all aimed towards changing the way of the world. He was aiming to break this cycle of good and bad, and believed that he could make all the bad go away. How foolish of him.
If you two ever decide to come to a middle ground, and work together, you could achieve great things.
But both of you couldn't accept another God, one who is equal to yourselves. For each of you, there existed only one God, and that was your own self. Neither of you could tolerate the presence of the other. But instead of discussing this issue, you both decided to play games. Both of you, being super manipulative, created a fake world, wherein both of you were an ideal couple, loving one another, caring for each other, sipping wine and having lively conversations. You two were living the 'perfect life of a perfect couple'.
Currently, you were seated at the large marble table of your spacious living room. You were clad in expensive attire, and seated opposite to you, Fyodor adorned a fancy suit. You two were celebrating your third anniversary. What a better way to celebrate it, than over a vast variety of mouthwatering multi cuisine spread and the finest red wine?
Your silk gloves shone in the pretty lighting of the chandelier lit hall. Fyodor looked dashing in his black suit, and the color of his tie perfectly matched the violet of his eyes. If you didn't know any better, you would have fallen for him.
But you did know better.
So you flashed a dazzlingly fake grin at the man seated opposite to you.
"What a lovely evening."
He mocked your expression, and held your hand in his, two gloved hands uniting atop the wide table.
"It indeed is, my beloved. "
Soft violins played in the background, as you both began your celebratory meal.
You stare at him as you sipped the red liquid. Observing his looks, almost as if you were memorizing his features. Oddly enough, he was doing the same.
"You look really beautiful today, my dear."
Fyodor says as he cuts himself a piece of the syrniki, dipping it in the blueberry jam that you had specially prepared for him.
You felt happy, in that moment. Your hatred for him remained constant and clear.
He observed your face, noticing the raw, elegant beauty it held. He remembers the times he spent spent with you over the last three years. Those days were truly splendid. So why did it go wrong? Why did you both hate each other? Why are you both so close, yet so far?
You and him were perfect, until you realized his point of view towards life. You believed that people born with abilities are gifted individuals. He considers them to be a curse. Abilities are immensely unfair. He wanted to rid the world of its unfairness. You, on the other hand, saw beauty in imperfection. You despised evil. Evil, in your terms, was something that changes the frangible balance of good and bad in this world. You believed in karma, and enjoyed watching from your throne as it righted all wrongs.
Fyodor was set on changing the dynamics of this impure world. You couldn't let that happen. You enjoyed it the way it was.
He knows that if he wants to be successful in cleansing the world, he would have to let you go. But you were stubborn. You wouldn't leave without changing his mind and manipulating him to give up on his aim. Besides, you had seen and heard way too much. He couldn't just let you walk away.
He noticed how you kept sipping the wine, and didn't touch the food.
That works for him.
He tries to hide his grin. Yes, the good times he had with you were lovely. He honestly hadn't felt like that with anyone before. He had fallen in love with you. But, alas, all good things must come to an end.
You felt lightheaded, and dizzy. You wondered if it was happiness, or something else entirely.
Your eyes widened as you realized just what you were drinking. You had just sipped your own demise.
The peculiar smell, the slightly sour taste.. you wondered how you missed the tell tale signs of being poisoned.
Fyodor chuckled at your shocked expression.
"It was fun, Krasotka. The times we shared were very genuine."
He cuts another piece of his syrniki, relishing the taste.
It's a pity. He thought. Nobody can make these as well as you do. It's a pity he won't be able to enjoy them anymore.
You start laughing maniacally.
'Ofcourse,' , you thought,' afterall, the two of us are the exact same.'
"So this is goodbye, I suppose." You say as you grip the table to prevent falling prey to the weakness spreading throughout your body.
"Why, yes. I-"
Fyodor was interrupted by a series of coughs. His breathing became irregular, and he was coughing up blood, staining the pearly white silk napkin with a crimson hue.
Fyodor gapes at your laughing form.
'The syrniki', he thought.
"We are but the same darling.", you say as you caress his paling cheek with your fingers.
The reason for your giddiness became clear to him now. You wanted him gone. He wondered why he didn't catch on to the subtle hints. The peculiar smell, the slightly metallic taste, it all points to being poisoned. Now he understood why you had made his favourite dish in the first place. It was all to lure him to bite into his last meal.
He stares at your beautiful eyes. Eyes that once held pure unadulterated love for him. But now,they were filled with malice and hatred. Oh, how cunning you were. As he observed the evil glint in your eyes, he fell for you all over again. He loves your dark side. Now that he was on the verge of death, his goals, ambitions, nothing really mattered. In this moment of truth, he was able to genuinely appreciate your evil genius. The mysterious new plant in your garden, one that looked so much like an innocent garden plant, was one of your deadly creations. You really were a smart person. Always tinkering with life, in all forms. Your array of poisonous creations were memorised by him. This one was new. You had discovered another poisonous plant species, and grown it specially for this occasion. How truly romantic of you.
"I love you." ,he says as he stares at his one true love, his savior, and his angel, who would carry him to his death.
"It's a pity that I don't anymore. ", you say, leaning closer to him.
"Happy anniversary, love.", you whisper.
Both your faces meet halfway in one last kiss.

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