Dazai's Birthday

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"Good morning!"
A cheery voice echoed in Dazai's ear. He groaned at the noise. It was only 5 in the morning.
"Who?", he managed to grumble into the phone, shifting on his bed to stretch his legs.
"It's me, Dummy. Wake up and get ready. I'm picking you up in 5."
His eyes shot open. Why the fuck were you picking him up at 5.05 am on a fucking Saturday?
"Y/N, it's literally dark out there, "
"Shut up. Be ready!"
With that, you hung up.
Dazai groaned into his pillow, fisting the sheets and preparing himself to get out of bed.
He rolled off the edge, quite literally, and landed on his bum, hissing at the cold that kissed his ass.
He stumbled to get ready, pulling on his favourite hoodie and throwing on some jeans.
In exactly 5 minutes, his doorbell rang.
He huffed, pulling it open, and was about to whine when he took in the sight of you.
There you stood, a bright smile on your face and a bouquet in your arms.
On the flowers a hideously large note read, "Happy Birthday, Osa!"
He blinked, remembering that today was, infact, 19th June. The day he was born.
"Happy birthday, baby!"
You extended your arms, thrusting the flowers in his face. He smiled at you, accepting the flowers and pulling you in.
You were cut short by a pair of lips slamming down onto your own.
Dazai had you pinned to his door as he passionately kissed you, pouring all his love and thanks into it. He trailed his hand along your sides, eliciting an excited shiver down your spine. His tongue claimed your mouth as it's own, making you whimper at the intensity of the kiss.
You pushed his shoulders, trying to create some distance between your heaving chests.
"Not... not now!"
You grinned up at your whiny boyfriend.
"But why can't we just tear our clothes off and-"
"No! I'm not celebrating your special day like this."
He pouted, his angelic features almost making you give in. Almost.
"I have something planned for you, love. "
He smirked, leaning forward to kiss along your neck.
"Do you... really... want... to miss out... on this?"
He asked you between kisses. You gulped, pushing him away.
"No! Not now! Maybe later."
He grinned coyly at your flustered state, before yelping at the sudden pull of you grabbing his arm.
You pulled him out of the house, slamming the door behind you, and sprinting down the hall. He stumbled to keep up to you, your entwined fingers pulling him forward.
You reached down stairs to your motorcycle, putting your helmet on and tossing one towards your favorite brunet.
"Come on!"
You ushered him to sit behind you, and once he was seated, you revved you bike to life. You roared through the empty streets of Yokohama. Dazai felt excited, the rush of the wind against his face igniting a flame of exhilaration through his bones.
He hugged your waist, leaning into your warmth as the cool wind nipped at his skin, eliciting shivers.
He watched as the sun rose, it's reddish rays expanding over the land, like how the ocean usurps the sandy beach with every wave. He was left awestruck at how beautiful the city looked. There was so much beauty in this world. He was glad to be able to witness it. Especially glad that he was with you. You were another one of nature's beauties. He adored you so much. He maybe even loved you. But he wouldn't tell you that, for he wasn't sure if the feelings were reciprocated. Nonetheless, being able to spend time with you was a blessing from the heavens. He was going to cherish each every millisecond he got with you.
You maneuvered trough the twist and turns, and took your beloved to a hilltop. The view was splendid from up here. You parked, asking Dazai to get off as you turned the engine off.
You heard him whisper as he looked over the city.
You smiled at his genuine adoration, pulling out a blanket from your bag.
"I know you like nature. I also know that you like food."
He turned towards your voice to see you sitting on a cute blanket that was laid out on the grass. Baskets of food and drinks surrounded you.
"I thought that a picnic is a perfect blend of the two!"
He grinned at your thoughtfulness and joined you.
You both spent quite a while just observing the city. How the darkness was slowly replaced by light. How the once lonely streets were filled with the buzz of humanity. Just Dazai's heart. It was so lonely and dark, then you filled it with light.
As you laid your head on his shoulder, you couldn't help but feel... complete. His warmth, his smell, his touch.. it was all way too familiar to you. You both hadn't even been dating that long, but just the thought of him made you smile. You longed to see him everyday. Hearing his voice made you feel lighthearted. His smile lit up your day. Everything about the man sitting next you made you happy. He was your serotonin boost.
You gulped at the intensity of your feelings. You cared for him, a little too much. It scared you. But you knew he felt the same way.
Everytime he leaned into your touch, subconsciously grasping onto your warmth, you realized that he loved you. He never said it to you, but you could see it in his eyes. You could see it in his tiny actions. The way he would smile the brightest smile ever, when he saw you after a long time, the way his eyes lit up when you laughed on one of his stupid jokes, the way he hugged you a little longer than he used to at the beginning. It all just adds up.
You tilt your head to stare at your love, only to find brown eyes peering down at you.
You blushed at being caught, hiding your face into his neck.
Cute chuckles followed by multiple head-kisses made you look back up at the gorgeous man.
"What are you thinking about?"
He asked, brushing your hair out of your eyes.
"You.", you replied with a smile.
He froze at your reply, a pink hue dusting his cheeks.
"Are you blushing?"
You asked incredulously.
He shook his head a little too quickly to seem convincing, turning away. You grasped his chin, forcing him to look you in the eyes.
Your intense gaze was full of adoration and it made Dazai's face heat up. You were looking at him with such gentleness. He didn't deserve you.
"I love you, Osamu."
He froze. It was a mere whisper, but it was enough to toss his world upside down.
You had finally opened up to him about your true feelings. You felt relieved to finally spill the beans. Your relief didn't last long, though, as your beloved was yet to reply.
You were beginning to worry.
Had you read into it all wrong? Maybe his affinity to your touch was merely a habit. Maybe he wasn't in love with you. Your mind was screaming at you for possibly ruining his special day. You had gone ahead and made it awkward.
"Hey, forget about it. I was not thinking straight, and-"
"I love you, too."
Now you froze. Y/N.exe has stopped working.
You sat there, mouth agape. You had expected this, hadn't you? Until a few minutes ago, you had convinced yourself that he loved you back. Yes, you were confused for a second, but now he had told you that he loved you. So, why were you shocked? Why did it feel so good to hear those words from him?
He smiled at your frozen face, leaning forward to kiss you. You melted into his arms, telling him just how much he meant to you through the kiss. You loved how you didn't have to voice out your feelings with him. He simply understood you.
Your fingers threaded through his messy locks, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. He grabbed your waist, lifting you up. You jumped at the opportunity and sat yourself on his lap. His hands took the liberty to express your back, creeping under your shirt to caress your soft skin. His skilled fingers teased their way higher and higher. You pushed him on his back, hovering over him, desperate to take control. He didn't let you break the kiss, pulling you down along with him.
A few moments later, it became hard to breathe, but his taste was intoxicating.
He pulled back first, grinning boyishly at you. Placing his forehead on yours, he licked his lips.
"Can't wait to claim you, tonight."
The meaning behind his words finally hit you, and you smacked his arm.
"Why would you say that?!"
"I'll make you scream your love for me, babe."
He winked.
You heated up, hiding your face in your arms. His chuckles made you want to fling a rock at his dumb head.
He was such a baby. But he was your baby. And as long as he was by your side, you would be content.

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