💗 Eighteen💗 Edited

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The rain was pouring none stop Aleeyu was sitted behind the large oak desk which his suit still on, not like always which was been hanged on the coat hanger situated at the far end of the room.

His secretary who was a boy around the age of 27, walked in smartly dressed in his set of black suit his head shaved shining under the chandelier light which was dangling from the high ceiling of the nevy blue painted office.

Aleeyu got on his feet adjusting his burgundy suite, he look so smartly like a run way magazine model.

"The meeting is in ten minutes sir" the secretary whose name was Mick informed placing the documents in his hand on his bosses desk before walking out of the room.

Aleeyu examine the files brought to him by his secretary making sure there was nothing wrong before calling in the secretary into the office to talk the files as they make way into the huge conference

Hanging his burgundy coloured suit on the hanger, he walked to the dispenser In his office got a plastic disposable cup, filled with the water before gulping it down in one go just how thirsty he was.

His thoughts going to a particular someone who was doing her possible best to get him out of her life but nothing of such was going to happen, he was been filled in with every little move of her by the person he hired to look after her for him secretly.

Bringing out his phone he tried her number waiting patiently for it to end but was picked up making his heart pick a race of it own.

"Hello" her voice came out breathless which meant she was still on her search for work she was so stubborn on getting for herself.

"How are you" aleeyu found his self asking after the phone fell on silent.

"Well am good" but stressed jidderh wanted to so badly say the last part in a yell but a yawn escaped her mouth as she pushed the door to her room open.

She got the phone place over her ears with the support from her shoulder to help hold the phone, she settled on one chair at the far end of the room trying to get her feet which where now soar from the heel cover shoe she caged them since morning almost six hours from now and thought out that time she was standing how much could her mystery be she thought totally forgetting who she was on the phone with as she kept on ranting about how stressful her week has been with her going from one office to the other in search of work.

And to help matter worst her car decided to break down as she took the line back home, which meant she has to trek all the way.

Aleeyu listened kinly to her as she ranted off his ears finding her angry voice funny.

"Well you should eat, then we talk later" aleeyu suggested knowing she hasn't ate anything from morning till now.

The knock on the door of her room, jidderh stopped her from typing the next word on her MacBook she finally decided to start blogging not that was bringing her physical self to display but rather the other for pictures and writting maybe it was going to be something fun to do and get her mind off the depression.

The sound of the knock got her out of bed in second standing by the door, the face of her brother showed up with a hard expressive which made her Know she was in some kind of trouble.

Standing aside for him to get into the room before closing the door shut, jidderh searched her messed up bed for a veil to cover up her mess up hair which she knew look like a mads woman net to get display it's also stinks.

Ammar settled in the brown sofa at the far end of the room, observing how the room was in total disorder which was so unlike the hauwa jidderh he knew this one seemed to be a total opposite of the other maybe it was the stress taking a toll on her.

He watched as papers where littering all around the bed, as she picked up the pieces of clothes she discharge on the marble floor of the room, the room seemed chills with her turning on the air conditioner with some coal burners.

Now it was all like the girl he knew his beloved jidderh she came back to the room from the closet where she went to dump the clothes.

"Sorry for the mess" jidderh apologize knowing her brother hate dirt of any form cause it irritated him to no going back.

"Sure it cool" Ammar passed his sister a liplock smile before adding "we need to talk" jidderh saw how he was fidgeting with his hands in discomfort for she new what ever it was they where going to talk about was something huge.

"Father got to confess all his crimes, he pleaded with me to let him see you please do this for him please his our father"

The room fell in what seemed to be the death or grave yard silence, the only source of nose was from the television which was so low.

Asalamu alaikum all beautiful people.
How are you a doing
Hopefully fine
How we all coping with the heat, stress and exams
May Allah see us though this Ameeen

Allahhuma baligni Ramadan

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu zaynah

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