💗 Nineteen💗 Edited

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The huge dinning table was filled with charters and noise from all angles.

Aleeyu wasn't liking any of this or where all this was going to, the noise was only making his head spine around from aches setting he in from all angles he wasn't a fan of noise instead he hated it with it all.

Now here they where sited with over fifty people from all the close relatives of all kinds in one room, ranging from Uncle aunties cousins niece's and nephews also wanting for the king to Grace then of his presence.

The noise died down as the huge double door open revealing his father with his beloved wife walking in all elegance into the room.

No maid or guards where ever allowed in the room in such gathering which happens to be so important to his father and mother.

The noise continued as the king made his entrance the huge door was been shut closed by the guards.

The noise went on untill the king cleared his throat and every where fell silent again mu'az take a glance at his brother piting him of the news his father was going to pass on.

He over heard his mother suggesting it to his father weeks ago but never gave it much thought knowing his father wasn't a man for all the match making his mother was well known for but here they where.

"I want to proposed to my beloved brother to ask for you daughter hands in marriage" the king pause in search of his soon daughter in-law name but couldn't remember.

Aleeyu was pulled out of his train of thought hearing his father call his name and that of his cousin who he couldn't remember how she look, he watched as everything dump folded happened right before his eyes not able to do anything even blink his eyes maybe to stop all the rubbish his father was blunting out with smiling and cheerful voice around the room congratulating him for been engaged to a person he doesn't even love.


The table was pin drop silent as everyone could sense the tension around the two strong headed bull seating opposite each other both dressed up and adamant about there Choice none wanting to give up.

"I think we talked about this" Ammar started after all the other occupants left for there various room leaving only the two of them.

Jidderh looked up not sure if he was referring to her, but his burning gaze which was fixed on her make her stomach did a double flip.

Smiling down at him she muttered about seeing the mechanic to repair her broke car which was a plain lie.

"That I'll take care of it" ammar ran his hands through his weaved hair as he stared at her clutching her jaw, "you need to understand no one will offer a job to you at this time" he tired but only got a deep frown, was marring her face from all indication not liking him addressing he matter but he has too she was only fooling herself.

Jidderh look at him belief before grabbing her bag from the chair next to her.

He was quick to grab her hands, trying her best to wiggle her hands out of his strong hold jidderh gave up closing her eyes to avoid the tears threatening to spill.

She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction to see her this week, her struggled die down with her eyes close taking in sharp breath to stop her from crying.

"Jidderh" Ammar used the charmed voice on her and made her eyes fly open with her not even helping it.

Yes saw the tears in her eyes wanting to spill out but the girl was too stubborn to let him see or let those tears fall on her cheeks she took yet another deep breath before.

Looking up to him, setting her hand free, jidderh started making her way out of the room again wen he called her again making her stop in her track not turning back to face him.

"I I will give you a job at Baba's company" she turned to take in his features which seemed to be pleading with her to please take the job but jidderh been her stubborn self shook her head off in a nk turning again but he called her back this time she turned around to face him with a smile which Ammar could see right through.

"Please" voice coming out hoarse and desperate made jidderh laughing at her brother face.

She walked up to him placing a hand on his shoulder, shaking her head for him to take the seat.

"I I go" she started but trailed off not finding the right what to start off the sentence with, trying one time but failings she rub her hands over her mouth taking deep breath before breaking the silence.

"Well I got an email from some company offering me an appointment with then which was today and only having 30 minutes left don't want to miss it" she smiled at the end of her words at her confidence and proud of herself.

She saw the surprise written all over her brother face perhaps he thought no job was ever going to come her way but here was one knocking on her door.

"Well am so happy for you" he smiled brightly at his sister wanting to bring the topic of taking a job at her father's there father's company but stopped himself.

"I'll drop you off at the company, then get the mechanic to repair your broken car" the two siblings made way for where his car was parked at the lots which was filled with so many cars with some never been use and brand new.

Jidderh thought went to a particular someone who got her the job and couldn't help the smile forming on her face, she watched her phone at least waiting for his call but none came through even wen her brother dropped her off.

He was supposed to tell her what you do an appointment she was never on one, the place she worked for before getting herself to his company retained her after her National youth service with them.

Walking into the high storey building jidderh mumbled all the prayers that came her mind to have the job there salary was something job 500,000 in a month she saw after he sent her the vacancy the company where looking for.

Asalamu alaikum
Aleeyu getting engaged 😉
Jidderh getting a job

Let's keep reading to know what's going to happen next.

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab


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