💗 Nine💗Edited

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As I stare at through the window watching the very busy city of Kano I signed exhaling a deep breath before settling back down on the couch I was once occupying.

My thoughts drifted back to how I was left by my mom to come her to work after promise her to give Ammar I chance just so we could talk away all the difference between us.

The light knock on the door was what interrupted my thoughts making me jerk up as quickly as I could to get the door.

It was a girl smiling down at me wearing her uniform with trolley containing varieties of food.

The tantalising aromas was what invaded my nostrils making my stomach gumble out loud just how could onces body part betray him this much.

Following after her to make sure the door was closed I took care of the trolley to the bed side where I settled on the bed and have myself in heaven.

Watching myself over the mirror adjusting my hijab in the right place I have to be fast and be there as soon as possible as they informed over the phone.

Getting out of the hotel to stop a cab which I got with no stress I got in and he drove.

Watching over the busy city of Kano as everyone went on with there daily activities with no care in the world.

I signed paying the driver after he reached our destination.

Watching ahead of me, and huge tower I felt a bit of nervousness under my tummy but was quick to mask it off and rub my sweaty hands over my black high waist pantalo.

I was dressed in a blacked set of plantalo with a black Lacy crop top a white boyfriend jacked and a black jucci vintage scarf wrapped around my head into a hijab.

Seated in his office was aleeyu lamido who has been keeping an eye on his watch, the knock came so sharp on his door making him sit upright and adjust his coat which was supposed to be hanging on the hanger.

But no she has to see him very official and get to have him respect.

He has made sure everything was ready to make sure she's his secretary just so he won't get to miss her.

The way he was deeply and madly in love was something beyond him, he always talked about not seeing any girl worth his time and attention but then after seeing this one girl all hell broke lose.

The knock came again so sharp.

Aleeyu cleared his throat before saying a yes, she need to Know a lot of this about her he thought to himself.

Jidderh stood by the door surprise to see the person wait her new boss she felt like screaming for her stupidity for not searching a thing about the company she was offered work.

She stepped forward afraid to trip and fall just so how embarrassed and more stupid she did look in the eyes of this man she doesn't know and even care less knowing anything about.

She let a sly smile play on her lip after settling down on the two chairs in from of the huge desk, "good day sir" jidderh said trying as much as possible to sound very polite and official she knew there last encounter wasn't so good then at least she should try mending it since from all indication she's going to be working under him.

How sure was she even that this was his company not his father, so much of a spoil brat.

She scolded within herself.

Still aleeyu didn't say a word instead he kept taking glances at her as she looked at her hands obviously lost in thought.

He cleared his throat consciously to get her attention.

Jidderh spat her eyes up and landed in his, they both took time staring at each other before looking away.

Jidderh felt the tension was too tick maybe she should just excuse herself out of the office or disappear into the thin air.

Sensing he was making her uncomfortably Aleeyu, cleared his throat again this time unconscious.

"Am sorry for keeping you waiting ma'am" sarscam where dripping off his voice and jidderh could sense that she hard this satisfactory smile on her lips.

As though she won a bet but was it at all a bet, of course yes the man just proved he was a complete jerk.

"The pleasure is yours" she replied in all seriousness masking the smile with a frown.

"So this are my credentials" she said placing a file on the table.

"Okay mss, have actually done enough research on everything about you before hiring you here" aleeyu said relaxing back in his chair to take in her reaction.

Seeing none on her face didn't shock him maybe he was laying not actually everything about her but everything concerning education about her is sailed which made him wanting to have her all to himself.

He sat up from the chair and walked to the window staring down at the empty road.

"You will be my secretary" aleeyu broke the shell turning back to look at her face which held shock.

Jidderh was surprised all the excitement she was feeling to work in Kano and a pretty large company was to work as a jerks sectary noo that can never happened to that she's a PhD Holder not some O' level student to be working as a sectary.

"With all due respect sir I can't work as your secretary because I didn't go to school for that" Aleeyu turned facing her completely now surprised by the Choice of word.

She was already in her feet on her way to the door, aleeyu watched her retreating figure.

Yeah I Know I love living you guys in suspense Koh.

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Aleeyu xynab
Ongoing edition
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