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"Muaaz what shit are you talking about are you even in your right state of mind"

I equired because whatever it was that he said must not be right, maybe he hit his head head across something that got him to might have talked the way he did.

"You just have to calm down and listen to me"

He tried saying again, sending him a glare to be sure I won't regret doing this later on before settling down.

"Jidderh is with me and she's fine"

He added again this time I wasn't on my feet like the first time he let those words out of his lips, I was analyzing the graveness of his words or should I say action.

"And am sorry to say this but I did it for you, yes I may be a coward but I just can't help seeing you this way, not cause of something that would never be without my reach"

Muaaz paused looking at me for any expression but I gave none if at all I would feel anything at the moment then I did be glad and maybe be delited but I felt nothing not Even the pain.

"Do you have any explanation to give our family Muaaz, you have put all of us to shame and am sorry to say this but am very disappointed in you, if you could just walk out of the door"

I said after much failed attempt of trying so had to talk, my anger was getting the best of me and I couldn't think straight if anything then he ruined much chance of me been with her why was love so hard, I thought to myself not helping the pain that rose from my heart spreading across my body.

I lay in my pool of tears seeing as I was going to let the blackness take over the pain was numbing everything I was feeling.


"You of all people"

Jidderh rose to her feet not believing, of all people Aleeyu could stood so long, just so he could have her all to himself.

Muaaz stood transfixed in his position not knowing what else to say, the guilt was eating him up maybe he made the wrong move and destroyed ever chance that his brother have with her.

"If you think this will stop me from marrying salis or any one out there then you much be stupid, and you should let your brother know even if it's only the two of us left in this earth, I won't ever be his not in this life or even in the next"

Jidderh spatted our with so much hate and disgust everything was just so much, she couldn't say what it was because this was so unbelievably not even with The tones of book she had read did she come across anything as such.

"I did this on my one, and your empty threats won't make me back down after I have come this far. Even though this thing I did had cause lot of crisis and would cause many in the future but I won't stop here until I get what I want until I make sure my brother have you"

Jiderh just watch him in bewilderment as though he had suddenly grew two head, maybe he took something because from all indications a person in his right state of mind won't have so much confidence to say out those rubbish he was mouthing out loud.

"Then I'll be pleased to see all you effort run down the drain, because even your brothers won't be pleased with this"

She said getting my on the bed, she knew talking to him was so pointless if anything then she only want to see herself out again to feel the breeze hit her skin and not the stupid air condition that was already suffocating her to death.


Ammar Palm his face with his two palms he was so worried on what else to do, three weeks of searching for jidderh turned out fruitless which was doing nothing to help keep his sanity.

"You should stop worrying and eat a bit you doing this to yourself won't help, just pray for her"

Zainab said, she had been sitting across him for over an hour trying to make him to eat but he wasn't having any of it, she doubt if he was even hearing her out.

"Can I have a sec with him please"

Salis waked into the room, zainab glance at him for a while before giving the two the privacy they needed, she walked back into the house where inneh and Jidderh's mother where sited each lost in his trains of thought.

She didn't make a move to them instead work straight into the kitchen to place back the untouched food from ammar, she meet with his mother in the large cooking room who was giving orders to the maid on what to prepare for the day.

"I think I'll be taking my leave now, they all seemed worried"

Zainab said to her looking down, she knew they where having a hard time but then shutting everyone out as they where doing won't help bring anything as it was.

"Okay dear, that care"

Ammar's mom waved lightly tabbing Zainab's back assuringly before pulling out of the hug.

Don't you think Muaaz is taking everything too far.

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Do you think there will be chance for jidderh and Aleeyu ever well I see no way out of this.

What situation will lead to there marriage and do you think it would last.

If at all you where in Jidderh's shoe would you marry Aleeyu after what Muaaz had done.

Well I need comments

See you next time when I get as many comments as I feel satisfied




Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu zaynab
23-October 2022

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