💗 Twenty one💗 Edited

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Asalam Eid Mubarak to you all.

I just tot of updating this book but update won't be frequent as am going on with   Calm before the storm

Not edited.

Withdrawing the case seemed to be the hardest thing for them all, after hearing her father out that day jidderh didn't Know what to feel again but was hell sure of locking up her heart and throwing the keys away for all men are so heartless that she couldn't stand seeing herself getting hurt to them.

Her mother also have done a great job by forgiving her father who she found a scary man with the way his health was Detroitting with every pass of minutes, for she felted bad for him but it was karma catching up with him.

Sitted and lost in her thoughts jidderh couldn't help but let her thoughts wondered to the prince whose mother called sending threatening warning her way.

Well jidderh gave the woman the bitchy attitude, and told her straight off that her son was anything close to the type of man she ever wanted, she made it clear that she wasn't the one who should be asked to stay away from her son but her son instead stay away from her.

Hajiya Nana angered with ranged never the less hanging on the phone wanting to see the rat that was talking to her that way as though she was talking to her child or someone she gave birth to.

The news was soon to reach aleeyu from the person he hired to protect his flowers at all means.

He confronted the woman he looked up to as a mother, not to sound disrespectful but told her straight off that he wasn't going to do wat he was ordered to which was to marry his cousin rasida which was anywhere close the type of lady he wanted for himself.

The girl Rashida was a definition of the most prettiest girl he has ever set his eyes what but her attitude was nothing to stand near, she was nothing but a spoilt child who knows has to do nothing but let people clean after her mess.

Now he knew even if he stood some chances with Jidderh his mother been who she was has already ruined those chances already for him and he couldn't picture his life already getting ruined by settling down with rashida.

Now sited on his living room Aleeyu ran his hands over his face before exhaling. He didn't know why he has this bad luck following him but one thing was set which was his mind, he won't let anyone ruin his life not even the queen herself.


Jidderh was typing furiously on her MacBook, A soft knock was placed on her door as she said a yes before wrapping the veil that fell of her head securely it was Ammar who she guessed no one was coming to her room at this time only him.

Pushing her MacBook to the other side of the bed she looked at her brother who seemed to not look like himself he looked disturbed.

"Ain't you supposed to be at work, is everything okay"

Jidderh couldn't help keeping her curiosity at bay with the way Ammar walked into the room she knew something must definitely be amiss.

"It's just that father want me to take you and ummi along with me to him"

Jidderh was quick to shake her head in a no gesture, she wanted sayings something but she couldn't bring herself to open her mouth with the fact that she forgiven him but she just can't force her mother into seeing him she wasn't ready and he has to understand that.

"Am sorry but am afraid if he will be opportune to live up to a day"

Ammar couldn't help his shaky voice, he hate to admit but he don't want to lose his father, Alhaji Munir was all he has in this world and no one else.


The ride to the hospital was a silent one Ammar gaze was fixed at the road his hands tightly holding onto the wheel as though his life depended on it, the ride came to an end as Ammar halt the car parking it in an open space.

The two alighted the car with no one saying a word to another Jidderh was trailing behind her brother passing people as the reached the lobby which was at the first floor the hospital was big, a three story building Jidderh thought they took the lifter to the last flour where Ammar lead to the office of a doctor which had his name tags on it Jidderh didn't mind checking as Ammar pushed the door.

The office was clean, painted all white which made Jidderh feel sick she always hated hospital since she leaves all her life traveling from one hospital to Another for her mother.

The tag containing the name of the doctors was placed on the table, adebayo adejimo, she read out the name in her mind before taking the sit next to her brother which the doctor gestured for them to take.

The doctor took off his glasses before taking a blue file reading it out to both there hearing, Jidderh knew Ammar would get a thing or two from what the doctor was saying if not all but to save her life even with a gun over her head she won't say what she understand from it.

"Adejimo am Sorry but my sister... I'm didn't get you"

Ammar said letting the person reach a pause as he exhaled.

"What I mean here is that am sorry to say but your father won't be able to add up to an hour, we all know I don't have the ability to say that but we tried everything our possible best to try help improve his state but we failed you father is already giving up, his heart"

The doctor took a pause before adding.

"As you all know his suffering from some deadly disease that doesn't even have cure"

Ammar pushed the door where there father was, an isolated room he look so pale with two tube of oxygen connections to his nose, it wasn't oxygen but a tube for transfer food like substance into his system. His face looked very black Jidderh heart constricted at the sight of her father, she couldn't help but let the tear in her eyes fall he smell very bed that even with the mask around her nose she couldn't help but want to run for her dear life. He was the man who birthed her the reason of her being in this world libeled as a mad woman's daughter.

I couldn't help typing further but here a chapter enjoy till next time which I also don't know

Hundred reads what I need before updating.

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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