💗Twenty-Two💗 Edited

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Happy independence Nigeria 🇳🇬

The sun was at it peck like ever other day Jidderh signed taking a gulp from the glass of water with a wooden cover placed atop it, preventing dirt con-terminating the water.

It's been three months since her father death, although no share of his inheritance was given to her but his lawyer stated he left a company under hers and her mother name, Jidderh didn't want to believe or accept it but have to never the less.

She will change the company from mechanic to something she still was thinking of, a constructing company she thought at first but quickly shake up the thought she wasn't an architect. She has no single knowledge but she could go back to school for that.

She was quick to discharge the thought out of her brains putting down the now empty glass back on the table. She signed getting up in her feet to Stretch her body.

The sound of her phone buzzing beside the empty cup of water got her attention stopping her from moving her hands which where stretched out in the air like she was about to jump in happiness, she was only trying to stretch her soar muscles.

Being in that position for four good hours made her head ache, putting her hands down Jidderh placed the phone on her ears seeing as Ammar's name with a heart emoji displayed on the screen.

She considered changing the way she saved that but shrugged it off, why was she even going to do that.

"Asalam" his breathy voice said making Jidderh hold her breath for some brief seconds,

She knew her brother was not over his father deaths, not only him all her other step siblings but what could she do, she was in no way supposed to be shaken over the mans death, was she?.. living the question hanging was best.

"Yes just bore"
Came her voice yet again, as she motioned with her hands for the maids who pecked thought the kitchen doors,

"Well fine I'd be glad"
Was the last words she utttered putting the phone down, Jidderh smiled at the girl who had her head ducked shyly.

"Please help with the cup"
Making her voice sound as polite as she could, Jidderh made her way into the house through the kitchen door where her mother and grandmother stood over the gas cooking.

Saying her greeting to them, she head up to her room to pray her missed prayers, she was so cut up in her worked she guessed that she didn't heard the adzan but seeing as the dinner was been prepared she knew no doubt that she missed her sallah.

Saying a dua for forgiveness under her breaths Jidderh pushed the door to her room, it was the same as how she left it hours ago. putting down her macbook on her study table which was too out grown for her, Jidderh chuckled recalling her innahs words.

"We did take that with you to your husband house"... she doubted if she was every going to get married perhaps it wasn't yet her time, staying on the prayer mat reading part of the holy book Jidderh only stood up hearing the call for sunset prayer.

Jidderh threw her head back and laughed in merriments from her brothers words, she lost count of months she laughed, letting her laughter died down Jidderh shifted uncomfortably on her sit.

"Common I told him I can't let my sister fall for someone like him"

Ammar's words made her set her lips in thin line,
"Maybe we should consider his request"
She had this far away look married to her face, maybe she should give marriage a chance, she never promised on falling in love.


Aleeyu paced back and forth with his hands held a behind his back, his eyes was closed as he lost count it was the far he counted. Signing he collapsed on the couch next to him heaving like one who ran a Marathon maybe if he did it was going to be better.

His mother has pushed him to the wall, he never said no to her why wasn't she going to respect his decision or him was married even necessary that to his own lousy cousin.

"A got a solution for us"
Came his brothers voice then his footsteps coming near, Aleeyu did nothing to blink his eyes open, he didn't think he should but knowing his brother he let them open.

He could feel the temperature from his eyes through this lid as they where close and they kind off comforting him but from the look his brother was sending him he knew his eyes had yawned red already a habit of him when ever he was furious.

Mua'az shifted on his sit uncomfortable, he feel responsible for what ever his mother was doing, he knew it wasn't right not at all when the guy did actually nothing but respected her, if at all care isn't taken then the respect he has for her will fly out of the window and muaaz knew that well, his brother was just hanging on for the time been before the storm starts.

"You could tell then you are only going to marry her if they let you marry the woman of your choice"

Aliyu blinked his eyes open for the second time, has his brother hit his head on something or was the thing happened around made him start losing his senses, Aleeyu chuckled at what his brother called a solution to his problems, then if they agree how will he find the woman of his choice. And even bring her fort.

That was the question he wanted asking his brother but opt for it to let his thought unsaid, standing to his feet Aleeyu walked to the restroom

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Happy independent Nigeria
Happy new month

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