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"Luke! Give that back, I have to practice!" Zander grumbled, jumping up to try and reach the sheet music he was holding.

Luke grinned. "Why should I?"

Aargh! Why does his smile have to be so distracting? Zander thought, then resumed jumping.

"I need that to practice for the competition! Don't you want us to succeed?" He exclaimed.

"Of course I do," Luke said sincerely, "but we're already doing great. I'll give this back to you later."

Zander sighed with frustration and leaped at him again, but Luke wasn't balanced enough this time. They toppled over and onto the floor, landing on top of each other.


Luke and Zander both turned bright red. They stood up right away, looking anywhere but at each other. "S-sorry," Zander stammered. "I didn't mean to."

"I-it's alright. Here," Luke responded, handing Zander the paper.

They stood there in awkward silence for a moment until Zander said, "W-well, I'm going upstairs to practice now, so...see you."

"See you," Luke replied, internally sighing.


They both blushed. Zander awkwardly reached up and took the papers from Luke, then cuddled into his chest.

"Idiot," he murmured.

Luke laughed. "I love you too, Zander."

"I need to practice," Zander said, although he didn't want to. All he wanted was to stay like this with Luke forever.

"Can you stay here for a little bit first?" Luke pleaded.

Zander sighed contentedly. "Okay."

A/N: Hi, and I hope you liked this part! I'm open to requests if you'd like, but this is mainly just for fun. If you'd like to request, please do it here! Thank you!

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