Movie Date

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Hailey asked Milly.

Milly nodded, a mischievous grin on her face. "Positive."

Hailey smiled. "Okay, then. Let's do it."

• • •

Zander looked around at the crowded movie theatre lobby in confusion. I thought Hailey would be here by now. He heard a notification from his phone. It was Hailey.


Sorry Zander, I can't come to the movie with you today. I have to practice with Jake. Have fun!

Zander frowned. It was unlike Hailey to cancel last minute. She was usually so organized. I guess I'm going to the movie by myself, then.

Zander started walking to the theatre. He looked at his ticket. Row G, seat 36.

He made his way to his seat, but stopped when he got to his row. Because sitting in seat 35, right next to Zander's, was Luke.


"Luke?" He called.

Luke looked up in confusion. "Oh, hey Zander. What are you doing here?"

Zander sat down next to him. "I was planning on coming here with Hailey, but she cancelled last minute."

Luke tilted his head, looking adorable and making Zander think of puppies. "The same thing happened with me, too," he said. "I was going with Milly, but she said she had something to do with Elliot."

"It looks like they set us up," Zander remarked wryly. Of course they did. They're always trying to set us up. Well, they can stop trying, because Luke will never feel the same way.

"Looks like it," Luke agreed, breaking into Zander's train of thought. "Might as well watch the movie, right?"

Zander nodded, and they sat back to watch the movie.

After it was over, Zander got up and looked at Luke. "That was a good movie," he said. "Um, maybe we could do this again sometime."

"Yeah, sure," Luke agreed.

There was an awkward silence.

Then Zander said, "Well, see you later!"

As he walked away, he heard a faint, "Bye, Zander."

That was fun, he thought, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook, Hailey. It was nice spending time with Luke, though. It seems like we've been drifting apart lately. I missed seeing his golden eyes and his breathtaking smile and-

He snapped out of his trance with a sigh. Stop thinking about how handsome he is!

You've got some explaining to do, Hailey.


"Luke!" Zander called to him. "What are you doing here?"

Luke looked up. "I was coming to see this movie with Milly, but she said she had to do something with Elliot," he answered.

"Hmm," Zander said suspiciously, already connecting the dots. "I was going to come here with Hailey, but she also cancelled last minute. I think they set us up on a date."

"Seems like it," Luke agreed, gesturing for Zander to sit down next to him.

Zander sat down and turned to stare into Luke's beautiful lemon yellow eyes. "So I guess we just watch the movie, then?" He asked quietly, not wanting to ruin the moment.

Luke nodded. "Why waste a perfectly good date for nothing?" He grinned at Zander, making his stomach do a backflip.

Zander tentatively grabbed Luke's hand under the seats and they sat back to watch the movie together.

After the movie was finished, they stood up and looked at each other.

"That was fun," Luke commented.

"Yeah, it was," Zander agreed softly.

"We should do it again sometime." Luke grinned at Zander. His smile was dazzling.

"We should. Do you want to come over to my place next Saturday and watch movies?" Zander offered.

"Yeah! I'd love that," Luke said.

They chatted as they walked out to the parking lot, where their rides were.

"See you later, Zander!" Luke said. He gave Zander's hand one last squeeze before letting go.

"Bye, Luke!" Zander called back. He didn't even mind that Hailey and Milly had set them up. It had been a wonderful date.

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