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Requested by @SimplySketches

Luke stared out the window at the rain that was pouring from the grey, overcast sky. It was splattering on the ground furiously, as if it wanted to drill holes into the ground. The dark clouds loomed overhead, making the world seem as if the colour had all vanished, and it was entirely greyscale.

It was somewhat gloomy, but Luke also found it peaceful: the way the raindrops slowly slid down the window, the whoosh sound every time a car went through a puddle, and the way the clouds cast the world in a misty trance. It wasn't his favourite type of weather—he preferred a crisp, cool autumn day over a groggy, rainy one—but it was still pleasant.

Suddenly his phone rang, startling him out of his thoughts. A quick glance at the screen showed him that his best friend was calling him. With a swipe, he answered and put it up to his ear.

"Hey, Zander," he said. "What's up?"

"Do you want to go to the park with me?" Zander blurted.

"Are you sure you want to go in the rain?" Luke responded, a bit surprised. Usually Zander didn't like the rain; he was like a cat in that sense. He's cat-like in a lot of ways, actually, he thought. He's proud, stubborn, grouchy at times, protective...

"Yes. I'm sure," Zander said, snapping Luke out of his thoughts.

"Okay then. Meet me there in fifteen minutes?" The brunette offered cheerfully.

"Alright," Zander replied. "See you then."

•    •    •

Fifteen minutes later, the two boys were walking together down the soggy path. Tiny drops of water pelted them until they were wet and chilled to the bone. Luke spotted Zander shivering and asked, "Why didn't you bring a rain jacket?"

"None of my rain jackets fit me right now," he explained, "and I thought I'd be fine with just my umbrella. Obviously, I was wrong." He shivered again.

Luke hesitated, then offered, "You can borrow mine if you want."


Zander looked up at him with his big lavender eyes. "Are you sure?" He asked. "I don't want you to get cold, too."

"I'm sure," the brunette responded. "I have a warm sweater underneath. I'll be fine."

Zander searched his friend's eyes. He wasn't joking, was he? But he found only sincerity and care.

"Okay," he said. As Luke took off the jacket, he added, "Thank you."

"Of course," Luke said, holding it out for him to take. "That's what friends do."

Zander took the coat and put it on in silence. When it slipped over his shoulders, he let out a shiver that had nothing to do with the chilly air. For one, he was wearing his best friend's raincoat. It had the smell of musk and vanilla, cozy, familiar scents that relaxed him.

But for another thing, was that all that Luke saw him as? A friend? The thought made his heart ache with longing, so he pushed it aside and focused on keeping up their conversation. He didn't think he'd be brave enough to confess—which was what he originally planned on doing on the walk—after what had happened. Luke's sentence had stolen away all of his bravery and replaced it with doubt and fear.

Also, what kind of idiot forgot his rain jacket for a walk in the rain? He had to admit—to himself, not to Luke—that part of him hadn't brought his jacket because he'd wanted this exact thing to happen. His friend had been super kind and hadn't made any remarks about it, but that didn't stop Zander from chastising himself mentally. Now he'll think you're selfish for using his jacket. He'll be cold and wet and it'll be all your fault, just because you didn't think to bring your own!

He brushed these thoughts away, but that didn't stop his mind from clouding over again with doubt and self-hatred.

"Zander? Are you okay?"

The purple boy looked up at the sound of his friend's voice. Luke's golden eyes were concerned, staring down at Zander's face worriedly. For a moment he almost got pulled into them, but he stopped himself just in time. His eyes darted away.

"Yeah, I'm okay," he replied. From there they struck up a conversation about music, and before they knew it, they were walking up to the Wickham and Austin family's house.

"Well, thanks for suggesting this! It was fun," Luke said.

Zander smiled. "Yeah, it was." After a moment, he shrugged off the raincoat and held it out. "Here's your jacket. Thanks for letting me use it."

"Oh, of course!" Luke responded, taking it and putting it on. "I'll see you at school."

"See you," Zander replied, and he opened the door and slipped inside. He peeked out the window and watched as Luke stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked along the sidewalk until he was out of sight.


Zander glanced up at him. "Are you sure? You shouldn't have to be cold because I made a stupid decision."

Luke nodded. "I'm sure. And it wasn't stupid, by the way. You just forgot it—everyone forgets things. Remember Jake telling us about forgetting his brother in a store?"

A small smile crossed the pianist's face at the memory. "Yeah, I guess it isn't as bad as that." He hesitated again, looking up at his boyfriend. "You're sure about this?"

"I'm sure. Seriously, Zander, don't worry. I'll be fine." Luke reassured him.

"Alright." He took the jacket and slipped it on, immediately being comforted by the warmth and security of it. He melted into the smells of it, his earlier hesitancy forgotten. It felt like he was being held in Luke's embrace.

Luke giggled at his expression. "You're cute," he commented. "Now aren't you glad you decided to take it?"

Zander nodded. "As long as you're not cold?"

"I'm fine," the taller boy said. The sight of Zander so happy was enough to keep him warm.

They walked around the park for a bit, chatting away. At a pause in their conversation, Zander stopped and looked at his boyfriend. The latter boy followed suit.

"I just wanted to thank you," Zander said genuinely. "You always put me before yourself, and I- I really appreciate it."

Luke grinned. "Why wouldn't I?" He asked. "I really care about you, Zander."

They stood there for a moment, smiling at each other. Suddenly Zander lunged forward and kissed the taller boy, and he happily followed suit.

After a minute, they pulled away and grinned at each other. Zander was first to break the spell.

"I love you," he said.

Luke grinned back and looped an arm around the smaller boy's shoulder, pulling him closer. "I love you too."

A/N: Thank you all so much for 10k reads! I can't believe this book has gotten this far. I appreciate every read, vote, and comment I get. Have a wonderful day!

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