Coming Out (Pride Month Special)

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Zander took a deep breath, attempting to steady his breathing and heart rate. He peeked his head out from behind a tree and took in his best friend, standing there with his auburn hair and maroon scarf blowing in the gentle fall breeze. A small smile graced his lips as he stood in the pathway, looking not quite bored, but not quite amused either.

The purple-haired boy felt his heart rate speed up again, both at the sight of the boy in front of him and the nerves that attacked him after seemingly being banished. He took another few moments to calm himself down, mentally preparing himself for whatever reaction Luke might have.

I'm ready, he reminded himself. He's still my best friend. He deserves to know.

Rearranging his face into a neutral expression, he stepped out of the trees and walked up to Luke. "Hi," he said, not knowing what else to say.

His best friend flashed him that perfect, happy smile of his. "Hey," he replied. "You said you wanted to talk about something?"

"Yeah, I did." Zander stared down at his shoes for a moment before mustering up the courage to say, "I've been thinking about this for a while, and a short time ago I realized...I'm gay." He shut his eyes, bracing himself for whatever negative response Luke might give him. He didn't think his friend was homophobic, but he could be.

Luke's eyes widened. Unbeknownst to Zander, he had also been trying to figure out his sexuality recently, and he was surprised and grateful that Zander felt comfortable enough to come out to him. He put a gentle hand on his best friend's shoulder, and Zander's lavender eyes trailed upwards to study his face.

"I am too," he confessed. "I mean, I've been doing some research, and I think I'm pansexual." Yellow eyes met purple with shyness and care.

"Really?" Zander breathed.

Luke nodded, a small smile on his face. "Yeah. Thanks for coming out to me, by the way. I think it was really brave of you."

Zander blushed, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "Thank you, too," he said.

"You're the first person I've told," Luke admitted.

"Same," Zander grinned. Then, after a brief moment of hesitation, he wrapped him in a hug.

Luke gladly accepted, and they stood there for a few moments, their hearts beating in sync.

I love you, they both want to say.

But then they pull away and smile at each other, and they both silently agree that now is not the time. Maybe they'll tell each other eventually, but right now, they can enjoy their precious friendship, just the way it is.


"Ready?" Luke asked, smiling at Zander and giving his hand an affectionate squeeze.

Zander grinned back at his boyfriend. "Yeah, I'm ready."

The two of them stepped into the room, and it gave the pianist deja vu from that moment, years ago, when he came out to Luke. The memory made him smile. Never, in that moment, would he have believed that in a few years' time, the two of them would be officially a couple.

As the two of them entered the living room of Zander and Hailey's house, the family looked up. Bethany lit up and bounded towards them, beaming.

"Zander! Guess what? Today, Hannah and I played on the playground, and we-"

"Not right now, Bethy," Luke murmured. "Tell us later, okay?"

She humphed but made her way back to her previous place next to her mother.

"Mom? Michael?" Zander spoke up. "We have something to say."

Hailey, who was also in the room, noticed their intertwined hands and smiled, giving them a thumbs-up. She already knew, as they'd told the rest of the club the day after they got together. Their reactions to the announcement had seemed a bit off, though, in a way neither of them had been able to put a finger on. It had seemed like they'd already known, but how would they have found out? It was puzzling.

Focus, Zander. You can figure that out later.

His parents were watching him expectantly. Luke must've sensed his distraction, because he looked over at him with one of his sweet smiles that said, You've got this and I believe in you.

Zander turned his attention back to his family. Finally he said, "Luke and I are dating."

Shannon and Michael exchanged cheerful looks. "That's wonderful, honey," his mom said.

"How long have you two been together?" Michael asked.

"Just a few weeks," Luke responded.

Shannon stood up and gave the two of them a hug. "We're so happy for you, Zander," she said. "Thank you for telling us."

Michael joined the hug, too, followed by Hailey and Bethany, who wriggled her way into the middle of the huddle and wrapped her arms around Zander's waist.

Luke laughed, and Zander felt happiness bubble up in him. He had never been so grateful for his supportive family.

A/N: Happy Pride Month, everyone! If any of you have family or friends who don't support you, just know that you are loved. If you want to talk, feel free to message me!

Also, I've been much less active in the Music Freaks fandom lately, and although I still love the series, I think I'm going to complete this book. Writing it has been such a fun journey, and I want to give a big thank-you to everyone who has read, voted, or commented. I am so thankful that my fun little ship book has gotten this far!

That's pretty much it. I hope you enjoyed, and have a wonderful day!

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