PJ Swap

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"But that doesn't make any sense!" Zander ranted. "How did he get healed so easily? He would have bled out long before that. It's unrealistic!"

    "That's kind of the whole point of the movie," Luke pointed out. "It's supposed to be overly dramatic and unrealistic."

    The two boys were having a sleepover at Luke's house, and they had just finished watching a movie together. Luke had had to pause it on multiple occasions to let Zander express his confusion and disbelief.

    He huffed and crossed his arms. "I guess. It still bugs me, though."

    The taller boy nodded and yawned. The movie was an hour and a half long, and it was around 12:45 in the morning.

    Zander noticed this and frowned. "Are you tired?"

    The drummer nodded again. "A bit," he admitted.

    "Let's go to bed, then," Zander suggested.

    As Luke was brushing his teeth, the plum-haired teen let out a noise of displeasure from behind him.

    "I forgot to pack pajamas," he explained when Luke gave him a questioning look. "Looks like I'll have to sleep in my clothes."

    "You can borrow some of my PJs," Luke blurted.


    "Oh," Zander said. "Okay. Thanks, Luke."

    "Yeah, of course," Luke responded, feeling like an idiot. Why was he being all weird about this? Best friends shared clothes like this all the time, no big deal.

    It's a big deal if that best friend is someone you've been in love with your entire life.

    When Zander came out of the bathroom, Luke had to look down to hide his traitorous blushing face.

    Even in a simple grey hoodie and pajama pants, his best friend looked gorgeous, in a carefree sort of way. "Ready?" he asked. Luke nodded, keeping his head down.

    He saw Zander giving him a strange look out of the corner of his eye, so he looked up again with a smile. "Yeah. Let's go to bed."

    No matter how complicated things get, we'll always be best friends.

    That will never change.


    Zander glanced up. "Are you sure?" he asked. At the drummer's nod, he grinned. "Thanks, Luke!" He grabbed a hoodie and some pajama pants out of a drawer and hurried to the bathroom to get changed.

    The brunette chuckled as he continued brushing his teeth. Zander could get excited over the simplest things, like puppies or playing his keyboard. It was one of the things Luke loved about him.

    You're one to talk about getting excited over your instrument, a voice in his head that sounded like Hailey's teased.

    Luke made a sheepish face. It was true, he got a tad enthusiastic and overprotective of his baby sometimes. His drums were special to him. He felt a connection with them, especially having played them for so long.

    Just then Zander entered the room, breaking the taller boy out of his thoughts.

"You look comfortable," he remarked.

    "I am," Zander replied. "Thanks again, Lukey." He snuggled further into the sweater with a content expression.

    Luke grinned and went over to hug his boyfriend. "Of course, Zander," he said. His words were quiet, but if hearts could speak, he would wake up the whole neighbourhood. "Anytime."

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