Carnival Scare

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"Are you sure about this?" Luke asked nervously.

    They were at a carnival with the music club, about to mount a ferris wheel.

    Zander hesitated, knowing Luke's fear of heights. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

    Luke paused. "No, we should go. I'll be fine," he assured him.

    "All right," Zander said reluctantly.

    The two boys stepped on a cart and sat down. Soon after the ferris wheel started moving up.

    Zander glanced at Luke. He looked a little nervous, but determined.

    "Look at the view," Zander said, trying to distract him. The carnival was spread out before them like a story waiting to be read. Zander could see more and more as the ride climbed: popcorn stands, food carts, roller coasters.

    As he was enjoying the sight, he felt an arm wrap around his. He turned to see Luke clutching on to him in fear.


    Zander could feel his cheeks warming up. Part of his brain was shouting, Push him away! You can't let him see how much you care about him! While another argued, No! Don't push him away now, when he's scared!

    "Are you okay?" He asked gently.

    Luke had his eyes shut tight, as if he believed he could make it disappear if he imagined hard enough. He looked terrified.

    He opened his eyes long enough to murmur, "No," then shut them again.

    Zander's heart squeezed. Poor Luke. I shouldn't have dragged him into this.

    He kept an arm around Luke for the rest of the ride, feeling his face warm up but wanting to comfort his best friend.

    As soon as they landed, Zander reluctantly withdrew his arm. "It's over," he said.

    Luke opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."

    As they were walking to meet the rest of the club, Zander was having a mental debate. Finally he said, "I'm sorry for making you go on that ride."

    Luke turned to his friend with a surprised expression. "You didn't force me to, Zander. I chose to ride it. It's not your fault."

    Zander gave him a cautious smile. "Thanks."

    I'm glad he doesn't blame me. He's the best friend I could ask for.


    Zander put an arm around Luke. "Are you okay?"

    Luke opened his eyes for a second, squeaked "No," and closed them again.

    Zander felt horrible. I can't believe I convinced him to do this.

    He hugged his boyfriend reassuringly, and they stayed like that for the rest of the ride.

    When it finally jerked to a stop, Zander whispered, "It's over now. You can come out." Luke opened his eyes, relieved.

    As they walked to join the others, Zander apologized, "I'm sorry for making you do that, Luke. We should have just gone on another ride."

    Luke looked at Zander, surprised. "It's alright, Zander. You didn't make me do that, I chose to do it myself. I should've known better."

    Zander grinned. "No more sky-high rides?"

    Luke grinned back at him. "No more sky-high rides."

    Luke slipped his hand into Zander's and they kept walking to find the group.

Hello! I hope you are liking these so far.

I have a request for you. I'm running out of ideas for Before vs. After scenes, and I'd like some suggestions. Please put them on this chapter. Thank you so much!

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