Pick-up Line

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"Hailey," Milly said. "Truth or dare?"

Milly, Hailey, Zander and Bethany were all playing a game of truth or dare in the Wickham/Austin family's living room. Milly was staying the night, and the three girls had persuaded a very reluctant Zander to join them. The grape boy wished Luke could be there to support him and, bonus, be a second male representative in the group. However, Luke had declined, saying he had some homework to catch up on. Zander understood completely, but he still wished that his friend could join them.

Hailey raised an eyebrow at Milly's eyes, twinkling with mischief. "Truth," she said, picking the 'safer' option. (Although in Zander's mind, the only safe option in truth or dare was not playing at all.)

The pink-haired girl grinned evilly. "What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done to get a crush's attention?"

Hailey blushed. "Let me think...um, in seventh grade I tried using a pick-up line. I think it was 'Do you have a name or can I call you mine?'" She grimaced. "It didn't go over too well."

Milly giggled. "Ngl, I'm kinda impressed. I didn't know you were the flirty type."

"I'm not. Not anymore, at least." Hailey's eyes scanned the small group before landing on her brother. "Zander, truth or dare?" She asked.

Zander hesitated. On one hand, his sister having control over him didn't sound very appealing. But on the other hand, he didn't want any of his secrets to be exposed. Having made up his mind, he replied, "Dare."

Hailey thought for a moment, then smirked. "While we're on the topic of pick-up lines," she said, "call Luke and use one on him."


Zander's eyes widened as he felt his face turning red. "Wh-Hailey! You know I can't do that!" He sputtered.

Bethany giggled. She always found it entertaining when her siblings got flustered. Milly smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?" She teased. The pianist opened his mouth to protest, but she cut him off. "It's a dare, you have to. Come on, don't chicken out! You agreed to this!"

Zander glared at her. "Are you sure? All I remember is being coerced into playing."

She crossed her arms. "An agreement is an agreement."

The grape let out a huff of annoyance. "Ugh, fine."

With slightly shaky hands, he took out his phone and tapped the call icon on Luke's contact, the other three girls leaning over to listen. "Put it on speaker," Hailey whispered. With another small glare at her, Zander obliged.

"Hey, Zander. What's up?" Luke's voice spoke up from his phone.

Zander took a deep breath before saying timidly, "Uh, y-you must be the square root of two because I feel irrational around you." Hailey, Milly and Bethany tried to suppress giggles as he cringed. What kind of pick-up line was that?

Meanwhile, on the other end of the line, Luke was speechless. His cheeks were scarlet red and he had no idea what to say. Say something! His brain commanded. Anything!!!

But all his rational thoughts were being crowded with Zander just used a pick-up line on me and maybe I do have a chance after all.

After hearing silence from Luke's end, Zander assumed the worst. "O-okay, see you at school. Bye." And with that he hung up, leaving a million thoughts running through his friend's head.

"Hailey! Now he knows how I feel! He probably hates me now," Zander burst out after the call ended.

Milly scoffed. "Luke? Hate you? Yeah, right. That'll happen when hell freezes over."

"Don't worry, Zander," Hailey chimed in. "He's probably just...surprised right now, that's all. He'll come around."

"Yeah!" Bethany chirped. "And then you can talk to each other and fiiinally start dating."

Zander's cheeks coloured and he sighed. "I hope you're right."


Zander rolled his eyes. "Fine."

"And don't forget to put it on speaker so we can hear, too," Hailey added.

Sighing, the purple haired boy called his boyfriend, pressing the speaker button when his sister gave him a look.

"Hi, sweetie!" Luke's voice held an audible smile in it. Next to him, Hailey smirked and Milly rolled her eyes. Bethany just grinned and tried to hold back a giggle.

"Uh, hey, Luke," Zander replied. "Um, can I tell you something?"

"Of course!"

"Well, I always thought happiness started with an h, but it turns out mine starts with u." Zander paused and waited somewhat nervously for his boyfriend's response.

"Aww, thanks!" Luke said, sounding touched. "Well, my happiness starts with a z. Is that the only reason you called?"

"Uh, yeah," Zander answered, a bit dazed.

"Ok. Well, I'd better get back to my essay, but thanks for calling! I love you!" Luke said.

"Okay, bye! I love you too." Zander hung up.

Milly was the first one to speak up. "Well, that was exactly as cheesy as I thought it would be. You two are sooo smitten." Zander blushed.

"You just wish you could have the same thing with that flower boy," he shot back.

"I- don't bring him into this!" Milly retorted, her cheeks red.

Hailey sighed. "Here we go again. How about we just keep playing the game?"

Bethany beamed. "Okay!" Instead of being irritated by their bickering like her older sister, she was amused.

Zander narrowed his eyes at the pink-haired girl. "Fine." As long as Milly doesn't pick another fight.

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