We're on TV?!

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A/N: For this, the Before segment is before the day happened (or they'd already be together) and the After segment is sometime around the time of episode 7.

    🎶Come on, tell me

    Come on, tell me

    All the things we couldn't see

    All those moments

    We keep going on to feel complete, yeah

    Come on, tell me

    Come on, tell me

    All the lies I should have seen

    It's all over

    And all was a world of make believe🎶

    Luke nodded his head along to the beat, closing his eyes and letting a smile spread across his face. He was listening to a playlist on GachaTube called The Music Freaks. Truthfully, he was a bit wary of it at first because of the title, but he soon figured out that it had some really good songs.

    🎶Please tell me that you won't be, please tell me that you won't

    Please tell me that you won't be, I really need to know

    Please tell me that you won't be here tonight🎶

    In the middle of the chorus, Luke heard the sound of a door opening. He opened his eyes to see Zander standing at the doorway, his pale hand on the knob. The golden-eyed boy hurriedly paused the song and took his earbuds out.

    "Hey," he greeted.

    "Hi," Zander replied. "What were you listening to? I tried knocking, but I don't think you heard me."

    "Oh, sorry," Luke said apologetically. "I found this playlist on GachaTube called The Music Freaks. I was listening to Tonight by Lundh and Jon Becker."

    The purple-haired boy frowned. "The Music Freaks?" He echoed. "That's the same name those goons call us."

    "I know, but trust me. These songs are really catchy."

    "Can I listen?" Zander asked. Luke nodded, handing him an earbud and pressing play. After a bit, Luke paused it again, and they took the earbuds out.

    "Alright, that is pretty catchy," Zander admitted, "even though it's not my style. Do you mind if I search something up?"

    "Uh, okay," Luke replied. He watched over the lavender-eyed boy's shoulder as he typed, The music freaks.

    "Why are you searching that up?" Luke wondered.

    "I'm curious about it," Zander responded. He scrolled down a bit and frowned. He zoomed in on some videos that came up and showed it to Luke, asking, "Is it just me, or do these people look like us and the music club?"

    Luke peered at the screen. "They do," he confirmed in a wondering tone.

    Zander squinted at the page and scrolled down a bit. "These characters look almost exactly like you and I." He tapped on the video - The Music Freaks Ep. 5 | A Drummer's Confession | Gacha Club Musical Series.

    After watching the scene with the Jomies, Zander paused it again.

    "Wow, those people look and sound exactly like Jake and his friends!" Luke exclaimed. "They even called each other by their real names and mentioned Zoey and Daisy." Noticing his friend's silence, he glanced at him and saw him practically shaking with fury.

Lander - Before vs. AfterWhere stories live. Discover now