The Letter

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"Zander, have you seen my drumsticks?" Luke asked.

"Uh, yeah. I think they're on my desk from when we were practicing together." Zander replied, glancing up from his laptop to look at Luke.

"Okay, thanks!" Luke scanned Zander's desktop and, not seeing his drumsticks, started looking through the drawers.

He took out a folded up piece of paper curiously and started reading.

Dear Luke,

We have been best friends for our whole lives. But for the longest time, I've wanted more.

Your smile lights up the room, no matter how dark it is. Your laugh takes my breath away. Your bright golden eyes, always full of energy, never fail to captivate me. Your kindness makes everyone feel loved and wanted.

Whenever anyone's feeling sad, you comfort them with your kind words, full of positivity. When you're sad, I just want to make all the bad things go away. I want to get rid of everything that's hurting you.

You are my ray of sunshine in the darkness, my angel sent from heaven.

I love you.



"Z-Zander?" Luke stuttered, red as a tomato.

"Yeah?" Zander raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I-is this true?" Luke came over to Zander to show him.

Zander's eyes got wider and wider as he read through the letter. By the time he reached the end, his face was as red as Luke's.

"U-um, yeah," he mumbled, looking down at his lap.

Luke smiled. "Zander," he said, "look at me."

Zander slowly raised his head to gaze into Luke's eyes. Luke could clearly see the fear and longing in them.

"Zander, I-I've loved you for years now. Do you really feel the same way about me?"

Zander's face relaxed into relief. "Yes," he cried, and wrapped his arms around him. "I love you, Luke."

Luke hugged him back, his heart soaring. "I love you too."


Luke smiled softly. Zander is so sweet, he thought.

"Hey, Zander," he called. "Look what I found."

Zander came over curiously and sat next to him, reading the letter. At the end of it, he was blushing madly.

"When did you write this, huh?" Luke teased, watching his boyfriend's face with amusement.

"Luke!" Zander scolded, hitting him lightly on the arm. "I wrote that a few years ago, but I never gave it to you."

Luke paused thoughtfully. "I almost confessed a few times, too. But, you know."

Zander nodded. He did know.

"I'm glad it happened how it did," he said quietly. "I think it had to get really bad in order to get better. And it's much better now."

Luke nodded and pulled Zander closer. "Thank you," he murmured into his boyfriend's hair.

"For what?" Zander turned his head to look up at him.

Luke smiled. "For being the best boyfriend I could ask for."

A/N: Every time I write the word 'boyfriend', I start internally fangirling. I'm way too obsessed with this. XD

I hope you enjoyed!

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