Early Morning Cuddles

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They're having a sleepover at Zander's house.

Luke woke up and looked at Zander's clock. It was 8:47 am. He yawned sleepily.

Feeling something warm on his chest, he looked down and saw Zander sleeping peacefully.


Luke could feel his face turning bright red.

Hfbsjshbfn! Zander's sleeping on me! He thought. Well, he's not awake yet, and he looks adorable. I don't need to move right now.

So he snuggled closer to him, enjoying the warmth of his embrace.

Then he felt Zander stir. Shoot! He's waking up! What do I do?

Zander opened his eyes sleepily. When he saw how close he was to Luke, his face turned tomato red and he quickly got up, moving away from him.

"S-sorry, Zander," Luke stuttered.

"It's fine," Zander replied.

Smooth, Luke. You just made it really obvious! Luke scolded himself.

"W-well, I'm going to get dressed now," he said awkwardly.

"O-okay," Zander said.

Luke walked to the bathroom to change. Argh! Why do I have to be so nervous around him?


Luke smiled warmly and snuggled closer to him. He admired his soft hair and his peaceful-looking face. He's so adorable.

Luke saw Zander sleepily open his eyes. Shoot! He thought. Quick, pretend to be sleeping.

He hurriedly shut his eyes, pretending to be sleeping peacefully.

"Luke?" Zander's voice sounded amused. Luke kept up the act, his cheeks burning.

"Luke, I know you're awake. I'm pretty sure if you were actually sleeping, your face wouldn't be red," Zander teased.

Oh, drumsticks. What am I going to do now? Luke thought.

He hesitantly opened his eyes and gazed into Zander's lavender ones, grinning sheepishly.

"Morning, Zander," he tried.

Zander gave him a look.

Luke sighed in defeat. "Alright, fine. I was admiring you," he admitted. "You're adorable when you're sleeping."

Zander turned his head away, but not before Luke saw the blush coating his cheeks. "Idiot," he mumbled. Luke laughed, cuddling closer to his boyfriend.

Zander turned back to Luke, breathing in his scent and burying his head in his chest. They stayed like that for a few moments, a comfortable silence surrounding them.

"Luke?" Zander asked, breaking the spell.


"I love you."

Luke pulled him closer, causing both of their hearts to do backflips. "I love you too."

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