Practicing Potions (Harry Potter AU)

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"Alright, class," Professor Roachell said, trying to catch her class's attention. "Today in potions class, we will be brewing Amortentia. Does anybody know what effect it has?"

    Hailey raised her hand. Professor Roachell gave her a nod, permitting her to speak. "Yes?"

    "Amortentia is the strongest love potion in the world. It smells different to everyone, depending on what attracts us," she recited.

    The potions professor let out a small smile. "Very good, Miss Austin."

    She walked regally over to the cauldron in front of the classroom. "Miss Austin is correct. Amortentia will take on the smell of whatever attracts you. For example, I smell coffee, apple pie, and chalk." She paused and looked up at her pupils.

    "On page 394, you will find the instructions for brewing Amortentia. Remember to be precise, and heed the rules carefully. Good luck." And with that, she sat back in her chair and gave the students a look that said,  'On with it, already!'

    "I guess we can start, then," Luke said.

• • •

    After Zander had been stirring for a few minutes, Professor Roachell interrupted them. "Time's up," she announced.

    Zander looked around the room at everyone's potions. Beside him, Luke's potion had turned a light lilac. Hailey's was a shimmery purple, just darker than Zander's eyes. Across the room, Jake was furiously stirring his potion, which was the blue of deep waters in the ocean. His own was pearl pink, just as the book described.

    He leaned in to the smell of the potion. The scent of grapes and old books filled his nose, along with...vanilla?

    Zander blushed. The potion smelled like his best friend.

    "Now!" Professor Roachell barked, clasping her hands together dramatically. "I will examine the contents of your cauldrons, and the best brewed potion will serve as an example to the class."

    After walking around the room, Professor Roachell declared Zander's potion an 'excellent brew to use as an example'. "You can go first, Mr. Wickham. What do you smell?"


    Zander could feel his classmate's eyes on him, staring him down, judging him. He felt his face go hot and stuttered, "W-well, I smell grapes, old books, and-" he abruptly cut himself off before he could reveal any more. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves so he could think clearly. It didn't help that his brain was screaming ABORT! ABORT! BE QUIET OR ELSE EVERYONE WILL KNOW AND LUKE MIGHT FIND OUT AND HATE YOU AND STOP BEING YOUR FRIEND AND-

    Shutting down that train of thought, he looked up and saw that the class was watching him expectantly. "Yes?" The professor prompted, raising an eyebrow.

    "Pumpkin juice," he blurted. "I smell pumpkin juice." That was fairly believable; it was Zander's favourite drink to have in the morning.

    "Wonderful," Professor Roachell said. "Thank you, Mr. Wickham, for providing a wonderful example. Would anyone like to go next?"

    As the next student took his turn, Zander let out a quiet sigh. It was a sigh or relief, that the professor had seemed to believe him and hadn't kept nagging him about it. But it also held despair. How long could he keep pretending? How long would it be until he finally cracked and revealed how he felt? How would Luke react?

    Zander knew one thing for sure as he brought his attention back to the lesson.

    Only time will tell.


    Zander felt his classmates turn to look at him. Choosing to focus on his professor, he responded, "I smell grapes, old books, and vanilla." He stole a quick glance at Luke, who was giving him a sweet smile.

    "Wonderful," Professor Roachell said. "Miss Austin, how about you? What do you smell?"

    Hailey looked rather startled to be called out. "Oh. I smell bubble tea and peaches." Her cheeks coloured a bit.

    As the potions professor continued to call on students, Luke leaned closer to him and whispered, "I smell grapes, too," which was accompanied by a wink.

    Zander smiled at him in return, then his expression changed to one of slight curiosity. "Do you think the reason Hailey smells peaches is because of Jake?"

    His boyfriend shrugged. "Maybe. But even if that is the reason, she probably doesn't want to talk about it. I wouldn't have, before we started dating."

    Zander nodded thoughtfully. "True."

    Maybe I should give her time. Time for her to make her own choice.

    After all, what's life without a little slow burn?

A/N: Happy 2022, everybody! Just out of curiosity, if you're a Harry Potter fan, what's your house? I'm a Ravenclaw.

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