Chapter One [Edited]

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A/N: Just wanted to say hello since this is a new story! Also as a friendly PSA reminder I do not own any of the Hunger Games characters, those all belong to the amazing Suzanne Collins! This is just a story of how I think things might have gone if both Peeta and Katniss were captured at the end of Catching Fire. Hopefully you guys enjoy!!

(Katniss POV)
There's not a lot that I can remember about how the games ended; well, more like about how I ended the games, hopefully forever. It was a slim hope, but President Snow would have a hard time bringing the Hunger Games back to what they used to be after I helped to defeat them, twice. Even as I strain my memory, the whole thing only comes to me in short flashes. I remember my arrow hitting the dome of the arena, I remember the sparks flying and the claw of the hovercraft picking me up as I died...

"She's awake." I hear someone say gruffly. Awake? No, that can't be right, I'm dead. A dead girl couldn't hear, a dead girl couldn't think, a dead girl couldn't be brutally tortured if the Capitol ever got their hands on her. Well, maybe that last part wasn't true; after all, I remember how those mutts had the eyes of the dead tributes...

I let my eyes blink open, and the first thing I notice is the brightness. The whole room looks white, the walls, the floor, the ceiling. The whole bleached look of this place makes my eyes burn and I want nothing more than to close them and pretend I never woke up in the first place. Just as I'm about to do just that, I catch an unmistakable flash of red that briefly breaks up the monotony of the piercing, bright white of everything. Fear coils in my gut as my eyes start to focus and are able to see it: the Capitol seal. My exhaustion from being injured now seems totally irrelevant. This is a Capitol hovercraft, and I'm in some deep shit. I've heard horror stories of what happens to prisoners in the Capitol, and after what I'd done, I was sure to experience the worst form of hell that place had to offer.

My panic only increases when I try to sit up, but find that I can't. There are straps at my wrists and my ankles and my waist that pierce through clothing and skin when I even attempt to move a muscle.  Clearly enjoying the fact that I'm awake, and that my resistance is giving them a bit of a show, several of them who are surrounding me start to chuckle. All that does is make me angrier; you have to be truly sick to laugh as a woman struggles to get out of restraints that leave her lying flat on her back, vulnerable. Peacekeepers indeed, the name itself is an insult.

I glare at them, trying to look as threatening as possible, even though I'm clearly overpowered. Antagonizing the people who are holding me captive is more than likely a terrible idea but then again I'm not exactly well known for holding my tongue. For a brief second, I wonder how long that will be applicable. It wouldn't surprise me at all if I was turned into an avox. After all, what good is a mockingjay without her song? "Would someone mind explaining to me what exactly is going on?"

They keep laughing, like they're sharing some sort of hilarious inside joke that I don't know about and I wait impatiently, wishing I could cross my arms or lunge at them or at least do anything other than lie here, completely helpless. After a minute one of them answers, apparently just too amused with themselves to not share what was happening. "You're on your way to the Capitol, Everdeen. Apparently your little stunt with the arena caused enough chaos to warrant a personal visit with President Snow. But we won't hurt you...for now. We were given special instructions to make sure you were still in one piece by the time we arrived."

President Snow, the leader of Panem; the man responsible for all of the cruelty and death that any of us have ever faced. He's a bastard, a monster, maybe even Satan himself and despite my usual cockiness, I can't help but fear him. I don't want to know what he's capable of, what he would do to me if he got his hands on me but unluckily for me, I'm about to find out.

Tortured but Together (A Hunger Games Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now