Chapter Thirty-One

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A/N: Usual PSA that the Hunger Games characters belong to Suzanne Collins and not to me. That said, hope you enjoy this chapter!!

(Peeta POV)
I slide the ring onto Katniss' finger and she grins at me, tears of joy running down her face. She wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly, and I hug her back. For once, we're able to have a moment that has nothing to do with the rebellion or the Hunger Games or just trying to survive. "I love you Katniss Everdeen."

"And I love you too Peeta Mellark." We're both grinning like idiots on live television, but I doubt that anyone minds, least of all us. Katniss leans in to kiss me and I kiss her back, drawing another round of applause from the audience, and from Caesar Flickerman.

"So, what day are you two thinking of for the wedding? Or at least what season, me, I'm partial to spring!"

"Well, I was thinking that spring could be nice as well Caesar, so many things blooming after the end of winter, it feels a bit like a new start to me. And so I think it would be a good time for Katniss and I to start that new chapter of our lives."

"What do you think Katniss? A spring wedding, or are you having other thoughts?"

Just as she's about to answer, the whole stage goes dark. It takes me a second to realize what's happening, the power just went out.

"Alright everyone, please stay calm, peacekeepers will be going row by row to deliver flashlights to everyone. We then ask that you file out in a quick and orderly fashion, thank you for coming." Caesar Flickerman has to say all that incredibly loudly, given that just about everyone is shrieking in fear.

When I feel someone touch my arm, I immediately tense up. "Come on, Peeta and Katniss, follow me. We need to take you to a secure location," Caesar says quietly but urgently. I nod, there are never power outages in the Capitol, something must have just happened, something big.

"Come on Katniss, let's go," I say gently.

"But where are they taking us...where are we going? And why did the power just randomly shut off? That never happens here..."

Even though I know she can't see it, I nod. We don't have any other choice but to follow Caesar Flickerman, and now the many peacekeepers that have appeared around us. If the rebels from district 13 are here to save us, they'd better hurry up.

Katniss clutches onto my hand tightly as we rush down darkened hallways. It would be pitch black if it wasn't for the low power flashlights the peacekeepers use to help us navigate through the palace.

A few minutes later, we're shouted at to go much faster. Now there are new voices shouting down the hallways at the peacekeepers, "Down with the Capitol! Free Panem! Let the Mockingjay go!" Then the gunshots start, the peacekeepers start firing at the rebels.

Katniss freezes, starting to cry in a panic. "No, no more death, I don't want anyone else to die, I just want it to stop." She presses her hands against her ears, trying not to hear it, and I can't blame her.

"We have to keep going, now," Caesar Flickerman whispers urgently to the two of us. I turn to look at Katniss, and, making a split second decision; I pick her up and carry her in my arms as we keep running.

Soon, we reach President Snow's personal office, which is now guarded by over a hundred peacekeepers. Caesar Flickerman and I are shoved up towards the front of the crowd, and after they get a look at our faces, we're shoved inside.

A backup generator is turned on in here, and everything looks so much more scattered than usual. Papers are scattered all over the desk, and President Snow is anxiously pacing around and shouting loudly into a phone. He looks more than just concerned, he looks panicked.


Nobody else dares to say a word, or even breathe too loudly. When we can hear the gunshots again, this time closer to the door, Katniss buries her head in my chest and starts crying and hyperventilating. Still afraid to say anything, I just wrap my arms tightly around her and stroke her hair. I don't have any idea what will happen now, but I have to hope that we'll be safe, otherwise I'll break down too.

When things calm down for a few minutes, Katniss and I find a seat on the floor out of the way. We're there for hours, and I keep eyeing the clock anxiously, waiting.

"Peeta, do you think this is what war is like," Katniss whispers.

I nod, "Yeah, I think this is definitely what it's like."

She twists her engagement ring around on her finger nervously when I say that. "Peeta, I'm tired of being afraid."

"Me too Kat, me too."


Explosives...the rebels or the peacekeepers or someone is using explosives. If this doesn't stop soon, the whole building will just collapse into rubble, trapping us all inside.

The fear in my face must be showing because Katniss starts quietly singing the song about the meadow again. While gunshots and explosions echo on the other side of the door, she sings. Her voice starts off a little bit shaky but soon it starts to sound more confident.

Squeezing my hand, she closes her eyes as she repeats the song a second time. Looking around the room, I see that everyone has gone silent, even President Snow. They all listen as the Mockingjay sings.

"Deep in the meadow
Under the willow
A bed of grass
A soft green pillow..."

As I listen to her sing, I think about what she told me a little over a week ago. She was telling me that one day we'd find our special meadow, where we'd be safe and where we'd be happy. I've been thinking a lot about that lately, about what that place would be for the two of us. In this moment though, I realize that it isn't a place, it never was. Whenever Katniss and I are together, that's our meadow, and I've never been more sure of it than I am in this moment.

When the shots die down, President Snow's phone rings again, and he quickly picks it up. "Where is my granddaughter, is she safe, did they hurt her? Put her on the line, let me talk to her!"

He doesn't know that the call is on speaker, but it is, and we all listen anxiously. "Sir...your granddaughter isn't here...the rebels took her. They left a note that says..."


You took one of ours so now we've taken one of yours. War is a dirty game and you've decided to tango with us. District 13 is not weak, we will free Panem. Deliver our Mockingjay and we'll return your granddaughter to you. Our offer won't be available for long, so I'd suggest acting quickly. We're the ones who hold the cards now, and war is no game. Still, may the odds be ever in your favor, you'll need all the luck you can get.
-Alma Coin

President Snow slams his fist down on his desk. "She wants a war? Then we'll give her a war! SHE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE CAPITOL!!" After he shouts that, he sits down at his desk, putting his head in his hands.

And then we all see something we didn't even think was possible. President Snow starts to cry.

Tortured but Together (A Hunger Games Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now