Chapter Seven

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A/N: As always, I've gotta put in the usual PSA that none of the Hunger Games characters belong to me, they all belong to the ever wonderful Suzanne Collins! With all that said, I hope you enjoy this new chapter!!

(President Snow POV)
After my meeting with Mr. Mellark is over I let out a long, slow sigh. At least this meeting wasn't as stressful as the one with Miss Everdeen. I can definitely see why Coin wanted her as the Mockingjay, if her anger was honed correctly then she truly could be a valuable weapon. Sadly for her, she's too late for that. I already have plans of my own for their precious "Mockingjay."

Grabbing a sip of my whiskey, I call over one of my most trusted aids. "Chantelle, let me ask you something." It's not a request, and she knows that.

"Yes President Snow, sir?" She responds. Her voice sounds annoyingly chipper and it makes me wonder if she's addicted to caffeine or some sort of other drugs. Regardless, she's shown herself to be trustworthy and loyal, so I've kept her around.

"You were on the initial extraction team for Mr. Mellark, were you not?"

"Yes sir, I was."

"Splendid. So, tell me this, do you think that there's anything Mr. Mellark wouldn't sacrifice to ensure the safety of Miss Everdeen?"

It doesn't even take her a minute before she answers. "I believe not sir, the two of us had a brief interaction during which his only concern was for the health and safety of Miss Everdeen."

If I had less self control, I would be chuckling with glee. This is splendid, now, I just need to get a read on what Katniss's original thoughts were. Once I know what was going on inside their minds, then I'll know how I can best twist it to my advantage. That in mind, I call another one of my aids over to talk to me.

"Lawrence, a word please."

Lawrence, one of my best peacekeepers quickly makes his way over to my desk before snapping into a firm salute. "What can I do for you President Snow sir!"

I allow myself a quiet chuckle. "At ease Lawrence, at ease." He relaxes his salute. "Does my memory serve correct that you were on the extraction team for Miss Everdeen?"

"That's correct, President Snow Sir!"

"Good. Now, tell me, what were your first impressions of Miss Everdeen? Once she regained consciousness of course that is."

"My first impressions? Could you be a bit more specific sir?"

"Yes. How did she seem...mentally? Did she seem distressed, was she asking for anyone, that sort of thing?"

"Not at first, mainly she wanted to know where she was, and why we would take her to the Capitol instead of letting her go back home to district 12. I blame that on the heavy sedatives we used, sir. Which I find ridiculous, that place was a trash dump, it's just as good that we're rid of it now as far as I'm concerned sir, grimy people, all of them. When I told her that district 12 was destroyed she did get rather angry and had to be restrained..."

He seems like he's about to continue, but I don't care. I'm not above interrupting people, especially when I'm angry at them. "YOU DID WHAT?" I roar. Usually I would keep my voice down, but this time I don't have enough patience to bother. I was supposed to be the one to tell her that, it was supposed to shock her, catch her off guard. That was the reason for the meeting with her today in the first place. Taking a breath, I continue. "Did it ever occur to you that that information was not yours to tell? That perhaps, with such an important bit of information, I had a specific plan for how she was supposed to find out?"

"Apologies, sir! It won't happen again sir!" He snaps back into his salute, and even his training can't mask the fear in his eyes. Not that I blame him, he should be afraid.

I smile at him. "Of course it won't, Lawrence. But you already know that, don't you? As you know, I don't tolerate mistakes. If you would be so kind as to step out of my office for a minute, you'll face the appropriate punishment for displeasing me."

Hearing this, he starts to beg for his life, how pathetic. "Please sir, I swear it won't happen again, I promise I can be useful! I think the rest of my report will interest you, at least let me finish my report sir!"

Stalling for time, a standard method for the coward, but I want to know what's happened more than I want him dead, which makes Lawrence an incredibly lucky man.

"Very well. But be quick, I'm losing patience with you."

"Yes, of course, thank you sir! Shortly after we delivered that news to her, she seemed to snap mentally. She started screaming out for people, her sister, her mother, things like that. But as we were about to sedate her, she started to scream for Mr. Mellark to save her. She seemed truly desperate, but protocol was still to sedate her, and so we followed protocol and did just that." He looks on edge, now that I have all the information I need, there's nothing to stop me from having him executed.

However, the fact that both Miss Everdeen and Mr. Mellark seem equally desperate to see each other, put me in a better mood. Even if only slightly. "Good job Lawrence, you have just proved your life to be of value again. Take a seat, it's time to plan out how we will bring the district's precious Mockingjay to her knees."

Tortured but Together (A Hunger Games Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now