Chapter Nine

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A/N: Repeating the PSA that none of the Hunger Games characters belong to me, they belong to Suzanne Collins. The only characters so far that belong to me are Chantelle and Lawrence! With that being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

(Peeta POV)
This time when someone shakes my shoulder to wake me up, I make sure to get up right away. I still have to keep reminding myself that I'm in the Capitol, and that I'm still a prisoner here, even if it doesn't look like it.

"Good to see you're awake, Mr. Mellark. President Snow wishes to speak with you now."

I nod, getting up out of bed. "Just let me put on a shirt real quick and then I'll be ready to head out."

The peacekeeper nods. I feel relieved, even an extra 30 seconds to wake up is a good thing. I pick the least fancy shirt I can find in the closet; it's just a plain white long sleeve shirt, but the material is still insanely high quality. After sliding the shirt over my head and buttoning it up, I give a nod to the peacekeeper. I'm ready.

We walk down the same hallways from yesterday and arrive at President Snow's office only a couple of minutes later. The peacekeepers standing guard salute us before opening the door and gesturing that we can go inside now. Even though I haven't been here long, I get the feeling that President Snow likes punctuality, and so I walk in right away.

"Ah, Mr. Mellark, so nice to see you again. It's good to see that you're on time, punctuality really does make everything easier. Now, take a seat, we have much to discuss."

Even though I'm a little bit hesitant to sit across a desk from the president of Panem who has done so many evil things, I decide to obey his instructions. Who knows how thin the ice I'm on is? Better not to test that, at least not yet.

"What were you hoping to discuss with me President Snow sir?" I ask.

He lets out a small chuckle, making me shiver. That man truly is creepy. "I think you know what I wish to talk about Mr. Mellark. I wish to know if you've given my offer any thought."

Staring down at my feet, I choose not to answer him. It's not like I'm just going to betray Katniss, she means everything to me. I really was willing to die in both of the games so that she could live, how could I let her down now?

"Mr. Mellark, I would enjoy having an answer to my question some time today."

I sigh. "I can't betray Katniss, I won't do that to her. After all we've been through I can't trick her or lie to her like that. Don't get me wrong, I want a war as little as you do, but I'm not willing to manipulate the people I love. That's a line I just won't cross." I say firmly.

President Snow looks slightly angry and frustrated now. I assume that that's how he looks whenever someone disagrees with him. "Mr. Mellark, I can understand your hesitation. Your concern for Miss Everdeen and her feelings is quite admirable. On the other hand, you know what Miss Everdeen's temper is like. If she's not able to be talked down then she could end up making choices with unintended consequences."

His message is clear. He wants me to keep Katniss under control, but above all, he wants me to keep her quiet. "Sir, what is it that you're asking of me exactly?"

This time, his voice has about as much patience in it as a toddler about to throw a tantrum. Or at least, that's the best analogy I can come up with. "Mr. Mellark, let me make myself perfectly clear. Miss Everdeen is a reckless loud mouthed individual who, if left unchecked, will bring about a war in Panem between the Capitol and the districts. What I am asking of you, is to make sure that doesn't happen. The way I see it, I've given you a choice. Either we torture her into submission, or, you agree to keep a handle on her behavior."

My face grows pale. "Torture her? You've been torturing her?" For once, I'm unable to hide the fear in my voice. Katniss, the incredible girl on fire, the woman I love...I can't even stand to imagine it.

"Yes. Not much, but a little bit here and there. I wasn't lying when I said it would be beneficial for you to accept this deal Mr. Mellark. You could save Miss Everdeen a great amount of pain if you do."

His threats are clear even from a mile away. If I don't accept, he'll torture her until he gets the information he wants. Then, once he realizes she doesn't have that information, he'll kill her, and I have no doubt that he'll make me watch.

"What would I even say to her? She'd know from a mile away that you're pulling the strings. I'd do anything to keep her safe sir, you know that. I just...I don't know how I would do this without her feeling like I'm betraying her. She's already lost so much, she shouldn't have to lose anything else."

He nods. The look on his face no longer looks angry, now it looks more contemplative than anything. "Tell her the truth Mr. Mellark. Tell her that a war would have too high a cost and too little gain. Tell her that a war would spare no one, everyone in Panem would be in danger; you, her mother, her sister, there's a high chance she would lose everything and everyone she loves. To put it simply, Mr. Mellark, tell her whatever you need to in order to convince her to stomp out the embers of this revolution before they become full blown flames."

With that, he finishes by saying "You can go now. I'll give you a bit to think about what you're going to say to Miss Everdeen. Oh, and one more thing: make sure to keep in mind what will happen should you fail."

After President Snow says that, I'm escorted out of his office and led back to my rooms. No doubt I'll be staying in here for a while, giving me ample time to think. Even though I know she can't hear me, I whisper "Please forgive me Katniss, please forgive me."

Tortured but Together (A Hunger Games Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now