Chapter Forty

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A/N: Usual PSA that the Hunger Games characters belong to Suzanne Collins and not to me. This is the last chapter!! If you've stuck with this story the whole way through I'd like to give you a huge thank you!! But now, without further ado, chapter 40!!

(President Snow POV)
These past three months have certainly proved...interesting on a number of levels. While I've figured out how to solve the problem of Miss Everdeen and her stupid Mockingjay, I still have to deal with the fact that my granddaughter is trapped with those despicable rebels in district 13. All of the peacekeepers that failed to protect her have already been appropriately dealt with though, so that offers me some small comfort.

I fold my hands on top of my desk, waiting for the two people that I've scheduled a meeting with. While they haven't played as much of a role recently, Chantelle and Lawrence have proved invaluable of late, Chantelle especially. Her idea of turning Miss Everdeen into a human javberjay was ingenious, and, my test subject Annie Cresta doesn't seem to be suffering any adverse effects. So, as a result, I scheduled Miss Everdeen for the necessary surgeries as soon as the lab technicians could get their supplies ready; in fact, the process should be mostly completed by now.

One of my peacekeepers approaches my desk. "President Snow sir, Chantelle and Lawrence are here to meet with you. Should we let them in now?"

"Yes. It's always a good thing when my appointments appear on time. Let them in."

The two of them walk in, giving me crisp salutes as soon as they enter through the doorway. Wisely, they wait for my invitation to step inside further. With all my meetings with Mr. Mellark and Miss Everdeen lately, it hasn't been very common for me to see protocol being followed. I can't say it's an unwelcome gesture, it's always best for things to be kept orderly.

"Good to see that the two of you are on time. Go ahead and take a seat, I have a few things to discuss with the both of you." As I say that, they take seats in the chairs across from me at  my desk, but their features indicate their unease. "There's no need for either of you to worry, this isn't a reprimand, it's a briefing. Due to the rising tensions in the districts, and now even in the Capitol, there are some new protocols in regard to Mr. Mellark and Miss Everdeen."

"Of course President Snow sir, we'll make sure to follow them to the letter."

"I know you will. Now, Chantelle, you'll be in charge of the remote to control the jabberjay voice box that Miss Everdeen has now received. Depending on her behavior, she can be placed on neutral mode, record mode, or playback mode. For the most part, those decisions will be left up to your discretion; however, I will on occasion step in and make the decision myself. As for you Lawrence, you will be in charge of managing Mr. Mellark. He obviously won't be in favor of this turn of events, so it will be your job to keep an eye on him, and keep him away from me unless I specifically request to meet with him. Any questions?"

Lawrence looks like he's about to voice a question, but before he has the chance, the doors to my office burst open loudly.

"WHERE IS KATNISS? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?" My meeting with Mr. Mellark ended only a little bit over an hour ago, yet he's already back. Splendid.

"Did it occur to you Mr. Mellark, that I am currently in the middle of something? Whatever your concerns are, they will be addressed later."


I sigh, Mr. Mellark's shouting is grating on my nerves. "Escort Mr. Mellark out. Now. I have no time for his emotionally charged outbursts."

The peacekeepers nod, and, after giving me a salute, they drag an angry Mr. Mellark out of my office and back to his rooms. Such a display obviously can't go without punishment, but I'll figure out that particular issue later. Taking a deep breath, I turn to face Lawrence and Chantelle once more. "Lawrence, you seemed like you had a question. Was my explanation somehow not thorough enough for you?"

"No, President Snow sir. Your explanation was clear. I'm to keep Mr. Mellark from having emotional outbursts like the one he did a minute ago, and I'm also to keep him away from you unless you say otherwise."

"Good. I'm glad we understand each other now. After all, I wouldn't want you to be confused." It was smart of him to not actually ask a question, I treat people who ask questions as fools for the most part. If they can't understand the first time, then they clearly weren't listening.

"Miss Everdeen should be here soon, in the meantime would the both of you like some water? Depending on how well the procedure went, we may be facing a bit of a wait."

"Yes, of course. Thank you President Snow sir." They know not to test me, which is one of the reasons they've managed to remain alive for so long. I give them one of my snake-like smiles. As much as I hate waiting, if this plan works out how I expect it to, I won't begrudge the technicians for it. If the results are not successful though, that's a different story; I have no tolerance for failure.

The three of us sit there in relative silence while we wait. There's nothing of importance to discuss until Miss Everdeen arrives, and I'm in no mood for idle conversation.

Luckily, we don't have to wait long. "President Snow sir, Miss Everdeen is ready. Should we escort her in now?"

"Yes, by all means. Let me see my new and improved Mockingjay," I say in a voice that barely conceals my disdain. While I hate the Mockingjay title, I must use it if I wish to get the desired effect. Hopefully after this I'll never have to think of those cursed creatures again.

Unbidden, the voice of someone I knew when I was just a boy pops into my mind. "It's not over till the mockingjay sings." Quickly, I clear the thought from my mind. She was wrong, the mockingjay sang and it's not over. She was wrong, about all of it. No matter what, Snow lands on top.

The doors to my office open again, and Miss Everdeen steps inside. She wears an outfit of pure white, white for innocence, white for peace, white for snow. A peacekeeper pulls up a third chair, and, at my indication, she sits down. Now, it's time to test how well the silly little jabberjay can follow instructions.

"Chantelle dear, I've already set up a test phrase. Do me a favor and press the playback button for me, would you?"

"Of course President Snow sir, right away." She pushes the playback button, and, for a minute, nothing happens. Just as I find myself beginning to get frustrated though, she speaks.

"Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever."

It's difficult to contain my smile and force my face to remain neutral. After all this time, I've done it. The Mockingjay has truly fallen. At my instruction, Chantelle presses the playback button one more time.

"Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever."

This time I allow myself a small smile. Indeed it is Miss Everdeen, I think to myself. Panem is forever.

The End....For Now...

Tortured but Together (A Hunger Games Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now