Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Just like always I've gotta put my usual note in here that none of the Hunger Games characters belong to me, all the Hunger Games characters belong to the amazing Suzanne Collins! All that said, hopefully you enjoy!

(President Snow POV)
I sit in my office, anxiously watching the cameras all around my palace. What Miss Everdeen doesn't know is that one of the things I did earlier today was have a tracker inserted into her arm. It's much less conspicuous than the one for the games, but it still helps me keep an eye on her location. Right now, she's doing exactly as I thought she would, she's running around frantically searching for Mr. Mellark. As soon as the two of them are reunited, I can begin enacting the next phase of my plan.

I've sent all my non essential personal home, and the rest of them are here in my office with me. We all watch anxiously, Miss Everdeen must find Mr. Mellark in order for things to continue, it's that simple.

"Sir, are you sure reuniting those two is our wisest course of action?"

I can't help but chuckle. "Lawrence, I don't think you understand the situation very well. There is no our, there is no us. This is about me and my plan. Do you understand that?"

"Sir yes sir! Apologies for stepping out of line President Snow sir!"

I sigh. "You're forgiven. This time. Just don't do it again." I'm in a bit more of a forgiving mood currently, since my plan is going so well. "With any luck, Miss Everdeen and Mr. Mellark should be reunited within the hour. After that of course, we go find them in the morning. Let them spend some time together, let Miss Everdeen see what she's missing. Then, just when she finally relaxes, we separate them again. Getting Mr. Mellark back briefly should help quell some of her anger; and, she'll most likely be more cooperative if it means she gets to see him again."

Chantelle and Lawrence nod. "By what I've been seeing lately during our sessions is that Miss Everdeen is quite close to cracking. She just needs a push in the right direction, and I believe tonight will accomplish that. I'd like to applaud you on your plan so far President Snow sir," Chantelle says.

I nod, giving my signature devilish smile. "Why thank you Chantelle. It's very nice to have someone who supports me and my ideas. I might just have to promote you after all this "rebellion" nonsense smoothes over."

She smiles at that. "Thank you President Snow sir!" She says excitedly.

Just then, I start hearing crackling audio coming across one of the cameras where Miss Everdeen is. Excited to hear the panic in her voice, I gesture for everyone to shut up.

"Peeta? Peeta, where are you? Please don't leave me, I promise I didn't do it, I promise! I never planned any of this!" Her eyes dart around furtively, before landing on the camera. This time, her voice is flat out terrified. "PEETA! Peeta, come help, please! Come save me! They're watching, they're all watching!"

"And that, my friends, is the sound of a truly broken girl. She has so much potential. We've ripped her down to the ground, and now we get to build her back up, but in my way this time. She'll speak out against the rebellion, she'll say she doesn't want to be their Mockingjay. She'll even call for a cease fire on live television where all of Panem will watch. She will do anything that I tell her, because she will be desperate to not lose Mr. Mellark again. After this, I'll show her how I reward cooperation, and as a result, she won't have the will or the motivation to go against me ever again. The best way to manipulate someone is to use their loved ones to do it; I've been President for quite a while, and it's because of reasons like this that I'm still in power."

At the end of my speech, they all clap. Sycophants or idiots, the lot of them. If I asked them to jump off a bridge, they would do it. If I asked them to come in wearing matching flapper dresses, they would do it. It feels wonderful to have all these people so perfectly wrapped around my finger.

I pick up another bit of audio from Miss Everdeen, and it just gets better and better. "PEETA! Peeta, where are you? Please come save me, I need you! PLEASE! You're all I have left, you're all I have left and I just...I need you. Please come back, please come back..." After that, the audio fades out.

She's getting more and more desperate by the minute. Just like I had hoped. "Not long now. Not long now till we bring the Mockingjay to her knees." As I keep watching her frantic efforts, my smile keeps growing. "Mark my words, she'll be calling for a cease fire within the month."

Ps. I know this chapter is a little shorter than usual but last chapter was a little longer than usual so I'm hoping that makes up for it! Also, next chapter we will finally get some Evelark, and it will be emotional!! Hopefully the wait is worth it for you guys!!

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