Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Standard reminder that the Hunger Games characters belong to Suzanne Collins and not to me. With that disclaimer out of the way, hopefully you enjoy!!

(Katniss POV)
It goes silent. A deal with President Snow? A deal with that monstrous murderer? "Why would you make a deal with him? Why would you agree with anything he says or does after all the pain he's caused?" Before Peeta even really has a chance to respond, I run into the bedroom and huddle up in the fetal position in the back corner of the room.

A few minutes later, I hear footsteps. "Katniss I...I'm so sorry. He...President Snow promised if I agreed then I could keep you safe...that's the only reason I did it, I promise!" It's not hard to hear the desperation in his voice, still, the fact that he doesn't deny he's made a deal with President Snow...

"What deal did you make with him Peeta?" He doesn't say anything.

"WHAT DEAL DID YOU AGREE TO??" I scream, angry tears running down my face.

Just as I'm about to shout again, he responds. "I...I asked where you were...what had happened to you. They had told me you were being taken to the Capitol too and I was terrified...I know what Snow does to people who disobey him. The morning after I was kidnapped and brought here...President Snow called me into his office. All I did was ask about you...I had to know you were going to be alright. When...when I said I had to see you, President Snow said I couldn't, not right then at least. Then he said when I did visit you...he had a job that I'd be required to do for him. He...he wanted me to get you to denounce the rebellion, say you don't want to be the mockingjay, call for a cease fire..."

At this point, I interrupt him. "HE WANTS ME TO DO WHAT?? PEETA, HOW COULD YOU AGREE TO THIS?"

He takes a deep breath, and when I look up at his face, I can see the tears glistening in his eyes. "Because then he told me...he told me..."



This time I'm the one who's at a loss for words. But I feel like my pounding heartbeat and quick shallow breaths provide a pretty clear answer for how I'm feeling. Seeing how panicked I am, Peeta walks over before sitting down and pulling me into his arms. After I'm able to form coherent thoughts again in the midst of my panic I say, "What...what are we gonna do now? It feels like no matter what I do, President Snow is gonna keep treating us like puppets...I just want it to stop...I just want everyone to be safe and for all of the pain to stop."

"I know Katniss, I know. We'll figure something out, alright? We'll keep each other safe and sane, just like we always do. You're the strongest person I've ever known, and I love you for it. We will get through this, alright?"

Strong? It doesn't feel like it lately. These days I just feel weak and helpless and it's awful. Still, Peeta does have a good point, we will get through this together. Feeling like I need it right now more than anything, I lean in and kiss Peeta. At first he seems surprised but he quickly kisses me back.

If only I had figured I was in love with him before the second huger games, how different things could have been. But, things are the way they are. In reality, I could lose him any minute, and I'd be powerless to stop it. Feeling suddenly desperate, I kiss him harder, wrapping my arms around him and running my hands through his hair.

After a few minutes, I realize just how tired I am. Sensing this, Peeta gently pulls away from our heated kiss. "Katniss, it's alright. You can sleep now, I'll stay right here with you."

"You promise? You promise nothing will happen, that I'll be safe?"

"Yeah, I do."

"What about tomorrow? What about your talk with President Snow?" I ask with fear in my voice.

"Let's worry about tomorrow when it gets here. For now, let's just focus on tonight. We have each other, we're safe, I think that can be enough for now, don't you?"

I nod. "Let's get some sleep then. I just hope the nightmares don't come back."

"If they do, I'll chase them away. I'll remind you that you're safe, just like always. Nothing has to change, Katniss. Nothing has to change."

I know he's just saying that, and that we both know it isn't actually true, but I'm too tired to point that out. We both just climb into Peeta's massive bed, and snuggle up against each other. We'll be alright, we just will be. That's what I keep repeating to myself in my mind, and eventually it calms me down enough that I fall asleep.

When I wake up, I'm shocked to see sunlight shining into the room. It's been so long since I've seen sunlight that I'd almost forgotten how beautiful it can be. In my excitement, I shake Peeta awake. He lets out a little grunt but then he stretches and opens his eyes. The look on his face is surprised, and I'm wondering why, until I realize that I'm smiling. It's been a long time since I've smiled.

"Katniss, what has you smiling like that?" His voice sounds curious, but also clearly joyful.

"The sunlight! There's sunlight!" I feel like a bit of a fool when I say that, but it feels wonderful. I can see the sunlight!

"I'm glad you're happy Katniss love. It's nice to see you smile." At this point, he's grinning back. Some part of me figures that I've probably forgotten something, but right now I don't care.

"You're making me smile too. Being back with just makes me feel so happy and safe." I say, snuggling against his chest and resting my head right above his heart. Hearing his steady heartbeat is just so calming.

Of course, this being the Capitol, that peace and happiness couldn't last long. There's some sharp knocking on the door to Peeta's rooms, followed by shouts from a peacekeeper. "President Snow will see you now! You have three minutes to get ready and then, whether you are prepared or not, we have orders to bring you to his office, by whatever means necessary!"

Both of us freeze up; this is what we were forgetting. "What's gonna happen now," I whisper softly.

"No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you. And if we get separated then I'll find you, always." He kisses me passionately, and I kiss him back, our tears mingling together. We don't know how long it'll be until we see each other again. After a minute, we have to break away as Peeta goes over to the closet to put on a shirt.

"If you're not out in the next thirty seconds, we will enter by force!" Peeta gets up to leave, but, seeing how heartbroken I look, he quickly makes his way over to me and wraps me in his arms before giving me a quick kiss on my forehead.

"I'll be back, I will come back Katniss."

The peacekeeper enters the room, "Time to go Mr. Mellark!"

He nods. "I'll come back to you Katniss, I promise!" He calls out as the peacekeeper escorts him out of the room.

When I hear the main door close behind Peeta and the peacekeeper, I rush into the closet, and hide in one of the back corners. I won't come out until Peeta is back. I'm not willing to risk it. After all, Peeta is the only one in this place who I know won't hurt me.

P.S. I know this might seem a little out of character for Katniss but I have my reasons. Soon I'll have some flashback scenes to talk about what she's gone through over the last two months, and it's some pretty dark stuff that I think would break just about anyone mentally and emotionally. Anyway, all that said, hopefully you're enjoying the story so far!!

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