Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Standard PSA that the Hunger Games characters belong to Suzanne Collins and not to me. Hope you enjoy the story!!

(Katniss POV)
I stay right where I am, hiding in the back of Peeta's closet. At this point, I'm just doing my best to try and stay calm; I remind myself that being alone means that nobody can hurt me. It isn't working this time. Then I hear the heavy steps of peacekeepers; they're going to take me back down to the cells, they're going to torture me again.

I'm curled up in the fetal position, trying to be as small and quiet as I can. These people aren't my friends, their job is to make sure I feel as much pain as possible. They start searching Peeta's rooms and calling to each other "She's not in here." A big part of me wishes they would just go away, please just have them go away.

One of them opens the closet door, and when they find my hiding place they grab my arm. Not sure what else to do, I scream at the top of my lungs. It's not even any sort of intelligible sound, all it is is a panicked screech.

"Miss Everdeen, come with us." That voice sends shivers down my spine, I recognize it from somewhere, I know I do.

"NO! I WON'T GO WITH YOU! I WON'T LET YOU HURT ME AGAIN!" I scream, trying to claw at his arm to get him to let me go. "I WON'T GO WITH YOU, LET ME GO!"

"Miss Everdeen, I'm just following President Snow's orders. Now, if you would kindly come with us..."

President Snow...they must definitely be here to hurt me then. Every order coming from President Snow over the last two months has been designed to maximize my pain. "Where are...where are you taking me? What are you...what are you going to do to me?"

"I'm just here to escort you. That's all I'm at liberty to say." He tightens his grip on my arm and starts dragging me towards the door of the closet. When we've almost reached the doors that lead out of Peeta's quarters, I start to fight back again. In the end, it takes five peacekeepers to drag me out. Two to stop me from scratching or hitting or punching the others of them, two more to stop me from kicking them and running away, and another one to keep the gag in my mouth as I scream and swear at the top of my lungs.

When they don't drag me underground, I almost immediately get suspicious. What could they possibly have planned for me? What could they be planning to do today?

I'm led into one of the same rooms I was brought to when I was a tribute. It looks almost exactly the same as before, and shivers run up and down my spine. What could they possibly have to prep me for? All I can think is that this is some new form of torture. Once the peacekeepers leave me in the hands of the prep team, I quickly sprint away from them and into the corner of the large room. They approach me, and I see the tools they have; scissors, razors, waxing strips, and already there's a long list of tortures they could do with just those things running through my head. Not for the first time today, I start screaming.

The prep team is caught off guard, apparently they didn't count on me being quite this...vocal. "DON'T GET NEAR ME! STAY AWAY! STAY AWAY, I DON'T WANT YOUR PREP, I DON'T WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU!"

"Miss Everdeen, we are just a prep team, all we want to do is help you get ready."

"GET ME READY FOR WHAT? WHAT IS PRESIDENT SNOW PLANNING THIS TIME?" By this point, my voice is a mix of fear and anger. I'm tired of President Snow and all his stupid games.

"We're getting you ready to go on air, can you please stop screaming now?"


They seem to be at a loss for words, after all, what would they say to someone who looks like she could lash out at any moment. Not even a minute later though, I hear another familiar voice.

Tortured but Together (A Hunger Games Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now