Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: Usual PSA that the Hunger Games characters belong to Suzanne Collins and not to me. That said, hope you enjoy!!

(Peeta POV)
Katniss falls asleep next to me, her arms still wrapped tightly around me. Occasionally she'll cry out for her sister or her mother or me and it takes all my willpower not to cry. President Snow caused this, he caused all of it, but we have to pretend he's a hero. I'm not really sure how much time has passed at this point; if I'm being honest, I've lost track.

Sunlight shines through the curtains, reminding us to wake up for the day. I was wide awake all night, again. When was the last time I had a good nights sleep? Before the first games maybe?

"Peeta, how did you sleep," Katniss mumbles drowsily.

"I slept a little," I lie. Of course she sees straight through that though.

"Peeta, you need to sleep too, I'm worried about you," she says gently.

She's worried about me, even after all this time, even after all that's happened, she still worries for me. I don't deserve her. "I'll do my best to take a nap later today, sleeping during the night is just hard. It's easier to see things in the shadows that make their way into my dreams."

"Alright, good. Now, what do you think we're supposed to do about food? There doesn't seem to be a kitchen in here and I couldn't really find much in the way of snacks..."

"That is a good question, maybe we can ask the peacekeepers in a bit. They do seem to love checking up on us," I say with a dry chuckle. Katniss laughs too, sometimes when there's nothing else you can do, humor can help ease the stress.

"Yeah, shouldn't we be getting one of those welcome baskets from them sometime soon? I mean, they're the closest thing we have to neighbors."

My face splits into a wide grin, it's nice to see Katniss happy, even just for a little bit. After all, there hasn't been much for us to be happy about lately. "What kind of welcome basket are you hoping for, Kat? Maybe a fruit basket? One with all those mini bottles of scented soap and shampoo?"

"I think the one with the scented soaps would be better for you. After all, for our first tribute interview I remember you asking Caesar Flickerman if you smelled like roses..."

I playfully chuck a pillow at her and she ducks out of the way. "Well, whatever the welcome basket has, I hope it includes food. I for one am looking forward to a proper meal."

My stomach grumbles right after that, and we both break out into a fit of laughter. We quickly quiet down when we hear the knock at the door though. Are they already putting us on air?

Walking over to the door, I open it to see two avoxes with a cart full of breakfast food. The smell of the bacon and pancakes and eggs and warm toast makes my mouth water.

When they bring the rolling cart in, Katniss' eyes light up. "Thank you for the food, we really appreciate it," she says kindly. The heads of the avoxes jerk up in surprise, I'm guessing that it's not too often that they receive thanks for their work.

They lift up the lids to the steaming trays, and I can instantly see that it's enough food to feed five people quite easily. Without even hesitating, Katniss fills up four plates, one for me, one for her, and two for the avoxes.

"You two must not get nearly enough to eat," Katniss says sadly, eyeing their rail thin forms. "Here, take some, there's more than enough for the two of us and it's only right that the two of you have a good meal too."

They shake their heads, backing away nervously. "Please, at least take something," Katniss says, even more gently. The two of them hesitantly come a bit closer. "I used to hunt in the forest to feed my mother and sister after my father died in the mines, whenever I had food left over I would sell some of it for money to a woman named Greasy Sae, she would put it in her stew and serve it to people when they were hungry. I know what it's like to be hungry and I also know that everyone deserves a good meal."

Seeming more reassured by Katniss' story, they accept the plates gratefully and even take seats at the dining table when Katniss offers them. They shovel the food into their mouths as quickly as they can, almost like they're afraid it'll get taken away.

Not more than a minute or two later, there's another knock on the door, and I go and get it again. There must be a lot going on today or something, Katniss and I haven't been awake for more than an hour and already we've gotten two sets of guests.

This time, the guest on the other side of the door isn't nearly as pleasant. "What do you two think you're doing? You're here to serve the food, not to stuff your faces," President Snow says angrily.

They quickly stop eating and scurry out the door like frightened mice, and I instantly feel awful. I should have thought that they might be punished, we should have been more careful.

"I'm sorry those two bothered you, I'll be sure to punish them later. Anyway, I'm here because I need to borrow Mr. Mellark for a bit to talk to him in my office."

"Don't punish them. I offered them the food, they looked like they weren't getting enough to eat and I couldn't just deny them a good meal. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they don't deserve to have enough to eat," Katniss says firmly, scowling.

"Miss Everdeen, the avoxes get plenty to eat, and I'd prefer it if you stopped sticking your nose where it does not belong."

"All I'm doing is giving them food! I'm not just going to stand by and watch people go hungry, that's a low I just won't stoop to."

I nod. "We saw people go hungry so often in district 12 and we weren't able to help as much as we should have. If we have a chance to make sure that someone who needs a good meal gets one, then that's just what we'll do. It's not a form of rebellion, it's a way to show some basic human decency."

President Snow sighs, and seems to realize that this isn't a worthwhile fight. "Alright Miss Everdeen, you may give them food. Just as long as you don't give them anything else," he concedes. Then he turns to face me, "Mr. Mellark, my office." I nod, walking over and giving Katniss a quick hug before following him out the door.

When the peacekeepers shut the door to the President of Panem's personal office, I'm not completely sure what to expect. All I know is that it's most likely something bad, it has been every other time I've been in here.

"Mr. Mellark, I have some good news for you."

My surprise is obvious, but it quickly turns to suspicion. I raise an eyebrow, "Actual good news? Or news that seems good but is actually a trick of some sort?"

"Actual good news Mr. Mellark. I can decide to be a nice person on occasion, you know."

I'm still skeptical.

"In just a few hours you and Miss Everdeen will have an interview with Caesar Flickerman. And, if all goes well, which I'm sure it will, you'll be proposing to Miss Everdeen again near the end of it."

"Why are you doing this sir? I'm certainly excited but I'm also a bit confused. How does this benefit you?"

"You sometimes are too clever for your own good Mr. Mellark, but I'm feeling in an oddly good mood today so I will tell you. Panem is focusing on this rebellion, on rising up against me and my Capitol; simply put, the wedding between you and Miss Everdeen will serve as a happy and necessary distraction. The country can focus on something different for a while, something that will rile them up less than this whole Mockingjay business."

I nod, that explains it. He hands me a box, and I open it to see a ring with a beautiful and intricate gold band...and the pearl I gave to Katniss on the beach during the Quarter Quell. So that's where that went...

"Well, aren't you going to thank me Mr. Mellark?"

I get a sour taste in my mouth as I thank him, "Thank you President Snow sir, I appreciate what you've done for me and Katniss."

He smiles. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

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