Chapter 15 || Give Me All You've Got, I Can Take It/Give In or Just Give Up

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I'm sorry you have to read this mildly crackish chapter. There are some moments that I'm very proud of. Sorry it's short.

Being the god of the sun meant that Apollo wasn't very inconspicuous. Even if he dressed as a hobo named Fred, he'd still be easily recognizable.

Percy knew that the twin gods were watching him. As he attempted to climb the climbing wall, he could feel their eyes on him. They were gathering a crowd. Gods, while not uncommon at Camp, were still flocked when they arrived. The lack of quests (apparently) made everyone antsy for any form of action, even dueling a god.

Turning around, Percy made eye contact with the gods. He could see the moment they froze, looking like they had just been hit over the head with an unnaturally large shield. He watched as Artemis dragged Apollo away, Apollo seemingly incoherent. Allowing himself a small smirk, Percy walked to get a sip of water.

"There's nothing quite like seeing the sun god pushed around by his older sister," A voice came from behind Percy. He turned, locking eyes with Luke Castellan.

"Older sister?" Percy mouthed, eyebrows furrowed, "I thought they were twins."

Luke snorted. "Not even a titaness can give birth to two gods at the exact same time. Artemis was born first, and it shows."

"But a titan can swallow six gods."

"Five," Luke corrected. "And a rock."

Percy laughed. "Kronos ate a rock?"

Luke pursed his lips, looking mildly irritated. "Yeah, in place of Zeus."

"Huh." Percy grabbed some water, taking a sip. "Anyways, I'll see you later, Luke."

There was no response from Luke, so Percy turned and started walking towards the Big House, walking towards the twin archers. As the Big House came in sight, Percy could see the twins on the porch and a demigod in the doorway, seemingly sneaking up on them. Probably a Hermes kid, trying to gain bragging rights by pranking two gods. No self-restraint, any of them.

Percy heard that little voice in the back of his head, the little voice saying "hypocrite." He ignored the voice. No one cares what you think, voice.

Percy had barely taken one step on the stairs up to the Big House before Apollo noticed him. Freezing like a deer in the headlights in the middle of a hurricane, Percy turned tail and ran.

"Hey!" Apollo yelled from behind him.

Right after, there was an annoyed shout. "Oi dipshit you're a god–"

That was all Percy heard, as the sheer absurdity of a god forgetting that he is a god hit him. Not literally. Well, a god hit him, but the absurdity did not literally hit him.

Percy, who had turned to laugh for a moment, found himself on the ground after abruptly running into the sun god. The sun god in question was momentarily dazed before focusing on Percy and glaring at him.

"What?" Percy couldn't help but ask. "You're looking at me like I just chopped your... um, like I just castrated you. I didn't, did I? Because there's this giant chunk of my life missing and I apollogize if I crashed the sun chariot or something."

Apollo's glare lessened, and he looked over at Artemis who had been watching the entire exchange, if you can even call it that.

"Okay dipshit, the fun's over. Let's get you back to Olympus. We'll even get you a band-aid for your ego."

Glaring daggers at his sister, Apollo flashed away, leaving Artemis with Percy.

"My brother's not very good at expressing his emotions, but he's sorry for knocking you over. Probably. Maybe."

"I think I ran into him," Percy cautiously interrupted.

"Well he was in your way so it's his fault. Anyways, this never happened."

With that, Artemis flashed away, leaving no trace that the gods were ever there, save Percy's mildly aching backside.

The "apollogize" pun was intentional.

Also, shoutout to GracyLeStrange07 for correctly guessing the Fall Out Boy song that the title of Chapter 14 (The Best Part of "Believe" is the "Lie"), it's Sophomore Slump or Comeback of The Year!

The chapter title is from two other songs, MCR (for the first) and FOB (for the second. They're divided by the forward slash (/). Once again, if you know where it's from you get a shoutout (honestly I just like using song lyrics as chapter titles).

Peace ✌︎︎
Published: I don't give a fuck anymore

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