Chapter 16 || One Truth, While You Live You Will Die

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Wow an update.


The sound of Luke's voice jarred Percy abruptly from his sleep. Sitting up and rubbing his eyes, Percy could see the entirety of the Hermes Cabin huddled around his sleeping bag. Luke was standing at his feet, looking like he was hiding his laughter. He hid it poorly, by the way.

"What?" Percy mumbled, wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep and back to his dream of the night sky.

"C'mon, it's time to get breakfast," Luke said, nudging one of the twin Hermes kids – Connor or Travis, whichever one was standing next to him – and holding out a hand to help Percy up.

Grabbing the hand, Percy stood up.

And then immediately fell over, having forgotten the sleeping bag that he was still tucked into. After scrambling out of it, he hastily stood up, jogging to the end of the line.

"Who's the god of clumsiness again?" One of the other Hermes campers asked.

"Ask Annabeth" came the collective answer from exactly everyone else.

As the line moved to get breakfast everybody talked.

Everybody talks.

Everybody talks.


Anyways, after the obligatory getting food and the obligatory sacrifice of food, everyone residing in the Hermes cabin sat down at the obligatory Hermes table to eat their obligatory food.

I don't even remember what obligatory means.

The Hermes table was bigger than the other tables, the result of having more campers in the cabin, while other tables had little to none.


No campers.

"So Percy," Travis leaned over from Percy's right, "How'd you get here?"

"Yeah," Connor from Percy's left said, "Grover wouldn't tell us anything."

"Uh," Percy stalled, leaning back, "There wasn't really anything to say."

"Aw come on Percy, there's gotta be something."

• • •

Perseus had been a strange being, to say the least. He was the one who made the thread the fates were blessed with, he gave them the ideas they wove into every life, he tried his best, but he could not control them.

Because control is not freedom, that is a fact. Control is the absence of freedom. But you cannot have one without the other.

Balance is a necessity. You cannot have good without evil, you cannot have freedom without control, and you cannot have The Beginning without The End.
In a way, Percy was balance. The Beginning and The End in one entity.And with balance comes peace of mind. Balance allows you to see.

But balance doesn't last forever.

I don't fucking know. I don't know what's happening, and I don't know where it's going. This barely even qualifies as a chapter please help-

I'll be honest, the entire interaction with Connor, Travis, and Percy, I was thinking of making Percy lean back, knock their heads together and saying "now kiss" (in a joking way ofc, incest is a big nono)

Anyways, shout-out to whoever knows where the chapter title is from, yadda yadda yadda, you know the drill.

ALSO IM GOING TO A FALL OUT BOY CONCERT (and weezer and green day (hella mega tour my beloved))

And I've fallen into the deep dark hole of mcyt please I'm begging you let me out I can't-

See ya next time, whenever that may be.

Peace ✌︎︎
Published Aug. 10, 2021

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