Chapter 10 || Welp

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It's short and I'm really sorry about that

Iapetus always thought that his moral compass was somewhere in the gray area. Not bad or evil but not good either. He felt that his morals cancelled each other out. He also wasn't the brightest titan around.

That was Helios.

But Iapetus knew that Perseus' final words were important to him, even if he wasn't dead. Only sleeping.

So, Iapetus tucked those last words, "Tell my Star that I said hello" into that spot in his mind where the important stuff went, like how to stay calm when talking to Kronos.

• • •

Annabeth knew something was off the moment she set eyes on him. He was...different. Annabeth could not pinpoint what made him different, but the scrawny kid in the infirmary was definitely not a normal demigod.

It didn't help that he drooled like his mouth was the goddamn Niagara Falls.

Chiron had told her to take care of him while he was asleep (did she look like a daughter of Apollo?) and she was trying her best. There wasn't much to do other than feed the boy ambrosia and interrogate him whenever he showed signs of consciousness.

All Annabeth wanted to do was go back and continue her sketch for her version of Athena's temple, but she just had to be on border patrol when the boy killed the minotaur. And now she was stuck spoon feeding ambrosia to a comatose, prepubescent demigod.

Blowing away the strands of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail (or... pegasus-tail?), Annabeth turned the page of her book. Something or another about columns. But columns are overrated. No. Columns are amazing. Annabeth slammed the book shut, already feeling a headache start to grow.

Annabeth got up, deciding to go put her book back in Cabin 6. After tidying up her bunk, she decided to go get some food before she decided to defenestrate someone (It was still very possible, but it would be incredibly rude to the sleeping boy who was most likely to be the one to be defenestrated).

On the way over, lo and behold, there was the sleeping boy. Well, he wasn't sleeping anymore, but he was still half asleep, and he was looking around like it was his first day on Earth. The boy looked at her with sea-green eyes, still hazy, obviously he had just woken up.

"You drool in your sleep."

She couldn't help it. They literally had to change his pillow because he got that much saliva on it. That, and the fact that he still had drool on his face.

The boy moved a hand to his mouth and wiped away the sheen of saliva, making it very embarrassing for him, given that he was around people.

And then Annabeth ran off. She didn't want to deal with the no-longer-comatose-coma-guy any longer. That, and she was really fricken hungry.


I'm sorrryyyyyyy

(I'm also in class rn shhh)

It's short, I'm procrastinating on homework, I'm sleep deprived, and I wanted to use the word "defenestrate" somewhere in this chapter. If you don't know what defenestrate means, go look it up.

This will be very slow from here on out because I don't have the pjo books and I kinda need those.

But now I can use modern slang and references so thats fun. Thnks fr rdng

Peace ✌︎︎

(Hell yeah, House of Wolves whoooo)

(No it's Cancer noww)

Published: 11/2/2020

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