Chapter 9 || Drama (Queen)

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SURPRISE! Y'all should be thanking me for doing this. (No please don't, I did this cuz I was procrastinating on doing homework)

     The bloodshed had been horrific. Many lives lost in every interaction between the gods and the titans. The gods were hopelessly outmatched, but with Perseus hidden in their ranks they, at least, had a chance.

     Many of the gods did not know, or did not remember, the full war. They remembered the key moments that did not include Perseus.

     One of the most important moments of the war that included Perseus was the Betrayal of Atlas.

• • •

     "Are you ready Atlas?" The Prota emerged from the shadows, a dead look in his eyes. "Are they prepared?"

     A titan reluctantly turned to the prota. "Yes, I am. No they are not."


• • •

     Kronos brandished his scythe in Perseus' face. "My spy told me you were coming. Such a shame that a child with so much power is on the wrong side of the war."

     Perseus cocked his head, like a confused puppy, "You have a spy? My spy never told me that."

     Perseus locked eyes with Atlas, who was staring defiantly back at him. Sea green to volcanic black.

     "Your spy?" Kronos guffawed, "No, Atlas is my spy. How sad that you didn't realize sooner."

     Perseus' grip tightened on his sword, his eyes narrowed. A thousand thoughts were running through his head. Mostly focused on how Atlas could have betrayed him. The others were focused on how stupid it was for Kronos to keep his scythe held out (A, It was incredibly tiring; and B, He just looked really stupid).

     The lips of the green-eyed, black-haired "child" quirked into a smirk. Like he knew something. Something... important. His hand shifted, changing his grip on his sword slightly.

     The skies darkened.

     The oceans grew restless.

     The winds picked up, blowing everywhere.

     Everywhere except where Perseus was standing.

     And then...

     It stopped.

     For a full five seconds, there was absolute silence.

     Then the world exploded.

     Well, not really, but it's the most accurate description. Perseus became a whirlwind of death and destruction. He completely decimated Kronos' ranks, killing off each and every single one of the monsters and skewed people.

     No mercy.

     And then it stopped.

     All that was left were the immortals.

     Perseus sheathed his sword.

• • •

     Perseus always considered himself a fairly patient person, but Atlas tested his limits. Sure, he might have known that Atlas wasn't a great person – or titan – but Perseus had been naive. He should not have even tried. The only good thing that had come from Atlas was Zoe.

     Zoe. Zoe, with her beautiful smile, with her hidden glances.

     He would not be able to see her. It was too dangerous.

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