Chapter 4 || Perzoe Unite!

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Perseus flashed out of the cave and found himself on the mountain that the Titan Atlas resided. Perseus started his hike up to the top so that he could try and convince Atlas to join the Gods.

On his hike up, Perseus came across a tree with golden apples on it. Around the tree was a dragon with many heads, and in his path were five women. One of them, the oldest it looked like, stepped forward and began to speak.

"Godling, you are not allowed here," she said.

Perseus stepped back, trying not to look threatening, "I am not a God, I am above them and I need to talk to your father, Atlas."

"Why is our father a part of this? You are here for the apples are you not?" the woman asked, sounding confused.

"I have no need for the apples as I am already immortal, but I am trying to convince you father to join the Gods against Kronos," Perseus replied.

The woman pursed her lips, thinking, "I cannot speak for my father, but I am sure that he will at least hear you out."

"Thank you. Now would you be able to lend me a guide? I'm afraid this is my first time here," Perseus asked calmly.

"I'll go," the youngest looking girl stepped up confidently, looking Perseus in the eyes and lifting her chin up.

"Zoe, what are you doing, you might make father mad!" One of the other women exclaimed nervously.

Zoe looked at her, "Father does not scare me. I would rather face father's wrath to help do what's right than sit and watch the world fall apart."

Perseus looked at her, "You are brave, young one, but that will be your downfall."

"I am not young! If anything, I am older than you, godling!" Zoe shouted.

Perseus chuckled, "My little Titaness, I am older than you imagine. Now, I believe that you will guide me to your father."

The two set off, up the mountain, towards where Atlas resided.

Perseus looked at Zoe, "You seem to be a bit of an outcast in your little group of sisters. Is there a reason for that?"

Zoe hummed, thinking, "Well, I can say that my sisters are a little... weak-willed. I feed Ladon because I am the only one brave enough out of all the Hesperides to do it."

"The Hesperides? Is that what you and your sisters are called?" Perseus asked.

"Yes. We are the Five Hesperides, daughters of the Titan Atlas and the sea nymph Pleione."

The duo walked in silence for a bit, but then Perseus, the great Prota, the First Being, tripped on a rock. Zoe saw this and started laughing, clutching her stomach.

Perseus pouted, "Hey, it's not like you could do any better, I didn't see that rock!"

Zoe laughed even more at that, "Of course I could do better, I have lived on this mountain my entire life. I can walk to the top with my eyes closed, and I still will not trip!"

"I doubt that, Star," Perseus said, chuckling.

Zoe blushed at that, "Star... Why star? I mean, not that I d-don't like it, b-but why?"

Perseus glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, "Well, your name means alive, and stars symbolize living. You also shine from the inside just like a star. You also have the sp-spirit of one..."

Perseus stuttered when Zoe looked at him thankfully. They walked in a comfortable silence until they got to the top of the mountain.

Zoe led Perseus to Atlas, saying, "Don't test my father's patience and do not make him mad. Making him mad could cause him to destroy the entire mountain."

"So... Don't make him angry?"

"Correct. This is the home of my sisters and I and I would like to keep it that way"

I'm really trying here please bear with me. I can't write the way Zoe speaks but here's a little Perzoe. I'm sorry it's a little late I literally publish these like ten minutes after I finish a chapter. (EDIT: It hasn't changed) Kudos to shemutt for voting on the last chapter!!! Thank you all for reading this I got over 300 views I'm so happy!!!!!!!! (EDIT 2: Ew excessive exclamation marks) Let's see if we can get to... 400 views!!! (EDIT 3: *sighs*)
-Fluff 'n Puff out!
(I'm sorry if these authors notes are a little all over the place in just trying to say stuff and have it make sense)

Published 4/1/2020

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