Chapter 5 || The Negotiations

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This chapter is dedicated for my bff MintYoongiAesthetic because I recently found out that they have a Wattpad account and I want to annoy them. :) [EDIT: They've changed their user, and I'm too lazy to update it]

"My lord, I have come to ask for a favor," Perseus said, bowing his head in respect.

Atlas stood up, towering over Perseus's figure, "What is the favor that you require?"

"My lord, the Gods wish for you to join them against the reign of Kronos. Will you join them?"
"Would you happen to be a mortal, traveller?" Atlas boomed.

Perseus frowned, "No, I am an immortal, why?"

Atlas grinned sadistically, "I may attack you without being challenged first!"

Atlas then took his spear out, running at Perseus. Right before Perseus got skewered, he jumped to the side, bringing his Prota Diamond xiphos out. Perseus swung his sword at Atlas's stomach. Atlas knocked his sword out of his hand, throwing it out of Perseus's reach. Atlas then put his spear under Perseus's chin.

"Do you yield?" He asked.

Perseus looked at the spear digging into his throat and growled, "Never."

Perseus then summoned his sword, and swiped at the hand holding Atlas's spear, causing him to drop it. Atlas dived for his spear, but it was kicked away by Perseus. Atlas, not expecting it, landed on his face. Perseus walked over to him and put his sword under Atlas's chin.

"Do you yield?" he asked Atlas. Atlas struggled, trying to move, but not wanting to cut himself.

"I will never yield to the likes of you! You are on the losing side of the war, and will be cast into Tartarus for eternity!" Atlas yelled.

Perseus shook his head sadly, "I offered you a choice. Now you must yield or you will cease to exist."

"I am an immortal, I cannot die! I will never yield!" Atlas shouted.

Perseus crouched, his sword still under Atlas's chin, "Do you see this metal here? Well it's a little thing that I like to call Prota Diamond. It is a metal made from my very essence, and just one tiny scratch can send you to the Void for eternity. Now, yield or fade, it's your choice."

Atlas looked at the metal and gulped, "I yield."

Perseus removed the sword from Atlas's neck and held a hand out to help him up. Atlas batted his hand away and struggled to his feet.

Perseus put his hands on the hilt of his sword, "Now, Atlas, I would like for you to do something for me."

"I will do one thing for you since you defeated me in combat," Atlas said grudgingly.

"Good boy. Now, I would like you to..." Perseus trailed off, thinking.

Atlas sighed, "Yes?"

"I would like you to spy on Kronos for the Gods, can you do that-actually you don't have a choice. Now swear on the Styx. Swear that you will spy on Kronos for the Gods and report back to me."

Atlas paused, trying to think of a loophole. And he found one.

"I, Atlas, son of Iapetus, swear on the River Styx to spy on Kronos for the Gods and report back to..."


"Report back to Perseus."

Perseus gave Atlas a mock salute, "Pleasure doing business with you, sir."

Perseus then spun around and walked out of Atlas's palace, meeting Zoe at the doors.

The Hesperide, who was previously facing the Garden, spun around to face him, "So? Did you do it? Did you convince my father?"

Perseus lifted his head, looking Zoe in the eyes, and shrugged, non-committedly.

Zoe blushed when he looked at her and asked, "Is that a yes?"

"Maybe. Zoe?"

The Hesperide looked at him out of the corner of her eyes, "Yes, Perseus?"

"Walk with me?" He asked.

Zoe looked at him, trying to figure out what he wanted, but decided, "Sure."

Perseus sighed with relief, "Okay, cool, now I would like to know: where is your favorite place on the mountain-anywhere on the mountain? Can you show me?"

Zoe gulped. No one, not even her sisters knew her favorite spot on the mountain, and a random stranger comes and asks to see it? Perseus stood next to her, seemingly not noticing the war going on inside Zoe's head.

"Umm... My favorite spot on the mountain is the cliffs. I can see the whole world from there," Zoe said, unsure of what Perseus wanted.

"Thank you Zoe. Now, lead the way," Perseus thanked her, stepping to the side so that Zoe could pass him.

The two walked in a comfortable silence until they reached the cliffs. Perseus sat down and patted the ground next to him, signaling Zoe to sit next to him. Zoe did.

"Sunsets here are my favorite. I am able to see the sun reflect off of Kronos's palace on Mount Othrys," Zoe commented.

Perseus hummed, "It truly is a beautiful sight."

"Do you have... anyone in your life?"

"Not yet."

Zoe tore her eyes away from the palace and turned to look at him. Perseus on the other hand didn't move his eyes from their current position, staring into the sky.

"Do you want anyone in your life?"

Perseus finally turned his eyes towards her, "Maybe."

Zoe gathered her courage and pressed her lips to his. To her surprise, he kissed her back.

Zoe pulled back, looking at him confused, "What was that?"

"That was a kiss."

She mock-glared at him, "I know that, but why did you kiss back?"

He ran a hand down his face, "I thought you knew. I like you just as you like me."

Zoe sputtered at that statement, making excuses, trying to deny it. Perseus stood up, reaching out a hand just like he did to Atlas. But Zoe, unlike her father, took the hand, letting Perseus help pull her up.

Later that night, in Zoe's dream, she dreamt about the Beginning. There was nothing. It wasn't black, it wasn't white, but nothing. Then a being came into existence. This being ruled the Beginning. They watched Chaos and Order form, watched them create the universe. But then they turned around.

Zoe shot up in her bed. She had recognized the figure.

It was Perseus.

I'm sorry it took so long. I've been procrastinating by watching Twoset Violin. But... Happy Easter! This was my first fight scene and it probably sucked, but idc. I know last chapter I said for us to get to 400 views (I think) but now I have nearly 800! WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN!?!?! I also tried to make this longer, 1005 words... Love y'all
-Fluff 'n Puff out!
Published 4/12/20

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