Chapter 18 || A Lie of Ommission is Still a Lie

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Uhm short AN before the story, because I probably should talk a little about the clusterfuck of the last AN-chapter-thing. I was a tad... uh, aggressive in it. I don't regret it, I just think I could have worded it a little better. I appreciate so many of you guys for taking time out of your day to read this half-formed idea that I'm making up as I go along. So just... thanks for sticking around y'all.

In life, you walk a thin line between right and wrong. Sometimes you can predict when someone falls on the wrong side, but most of the time it's a mystery.

Percy knew when Luke fell.

But he didn't say anything.

He felt a titan reach out to Luke in his dreams, he felt when corruption took over his thoughts. He watched as darkness took over his eyes, changing them to the bitter cold of a man who would tear himself apart to get what he wanted.

Because that's what he was, wasn't it. He watched, he felt, he planned. But he never interfered.

And, to be completely honest, it was kind of entertaining. Percy got to watch the gods turn on each other and fight their petty little fights.

The earth would shake and the skies would thunder and the water roared its rage. The mortals would panic and the demigods would prepare to fight.

It was always entertaining.

• • •

Percy woke up gradually. It was that kind of waking up where you kind of just slowly become aware of the world around you. Like, when you're sleeping and suddenly you realize you've actually been awake for a while now.

The Hermes cabin was silent.

No one was awake. Or, if they were awake, they were silent.

Percy stared at the roof of the cabin. His dream that night had been confusing. It was a mesh of what he knew and... what he... sorta knew?

Nothing made any sense.

Maybe Annabeth would know.

Annabeth was probably asleep though. That, and Percy didn't want to spend the effort getting out of his sleeping bag. It was warm in his sleeping bag.

As Percy lay there, staring at the ceiling, he let his mind wander. His dreams were confusing. They whispered secrets in his mind, tales of millennia long passed. Yet... they also hinted of what was to come.

A whisper of a returning golden age, a whisper of a traitor, a whisper of secrets that would tear souls apart.

A loud snore tore Percy out of his thoughts. It came from Travis.

Percy sighed. He couldn't focus anymore— not that he was focusing in the first place, but at least his mind was focused on one thing.

Percy laid in his sleeping bag until Apollo peeked over the horizon, bringing his giant ball of fire and gas with him.

Honestly, Apollo's light was borderline annoying. At least, it was if you were sleeping. Percy welcomed the light with open arms (figuratively) because it meant that he didn't have to lie in silence for much longer.

Which was a good thing. Silence brings your mind places you don't know, but it also brings it places you don't want to know.


SHOUTOUT TIME! Someone finally got the MCR reference in chapter 8! Thank you to RandomRandomness12 on ao3!

DISCORD PROMO TIME! We (I) gotta few discord server options for y'all if you want
• Hell - A writing server run by
j_areign (idk if he's alright w/ me sharing the link so you can just go on disboard and find it there)
• The Immortal Writers - The discord server for -TheImmortalWriters
• Then there's my little LGBTQIA+ server that's kinda dead, but feel free to join if you'd like

If you wanna join one of these, just PM me and I'll send you the link.

Merry Christmas to those of you that celebrate, and Happy (super late) Hanukkah!

'til next time,
Rowyn <3

Published: Dec. 24, 2021

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