Chapter 19 || I'm Just a Kid and Life is a Nightmare

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Plot crumbs? PLOT CRUMBS???


Zoe stormed up to Artemis as she was inspecting her arrows. "Let me talk to him."

"Lieutenant, you know I cannot let you do that."

"Why?" Zoe jutted out her chin. "Tell me, my lady, is it because he's male?"

Artemis set the arrow she was holding down. "No. But there are forces that you don't understand. He is dangerous."

"So you must protect me from him?" Zoe asked sarcastically.

"Yes," Artemis hissed. "It is my sacred duty to protect my Hunters."

"No offense, my lady, but you seem to have forgotten that I am older than you."

"In the life of an immortal does age really matter?"

"It does if you were alive to see the titanomachy," Zoe spat.

Artemis didn't say anything.

Zoe sighed. "I just want to ask him something. I'm not gonna run away with him."

Artemis brought a hand up to cover her face before lowering it and looking Zoe in the eyes. "Just promise me that you'll stay safe. You are my oldest and closest friend."

"Of course, my lady."

But when Zoe walked away, she was unaware of the searching stare that Artemis sent her, arrows long forgotten.

• • •

Percy was sitting by the hearth when Zoe approached him. He was talking to the flames, a gentle smile on his face. He didn't notice Zoe until she was standing behind him. Even then, he didn't acknowledge her until she sat down beside him, facing the hearth.

"Can you see her?" He asked, looking at her out of the corner of his eyes. His face was carefully expressionless.

"Who?" Zoe furrowed her eyebrows, confused.

Percy didn't say anything. His face didn't change either, but if Zoe looked closely, it almost looked like his eyes were sadder.

"Who?" Zoe asked again, a little more forcefully this time. "Who are you talking about?"

"The Goddess of the Hearth, The Lady of Family."

"Lady Hestia?"

Percy gave her a small smile. "Right here, tending to the flames of the hearth, as is her godly duty."

It was only at this moment that Zoe noticed the distant look in Percy's eyes. As if he wasn't the same boy that stumbled over the crest of Half-Blood Hill. There was a certain age to his eyes, a wisdom gained through years and years of existing and exploring.

"You aren't Percy Jackson, are you?" Zoe asked after a slight pause.

"No, you are slightly mistaken. I am Percy Jackson. But Percy Jackson is not me."

"How does that work?"

"Percy Jackson, as you know him, is his own person. He has a life, he has a family. I, on the other hand, am Percy Jackson. But I have no life, and I have no family. I am him in every sense except for the fact that he isn't me."

Zoe blinked. "That makes absolutely no sense."

"To simplify, I am a square and Percy Jackson is a rectangle. I am him, but he is not me. A square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square."

"Then what do you want." It wasn't a question. It was an order.

"I simply want to exist." The being in Percy Jackson's body gave her a solemn look. "There are... forces that prevent me from existing in the way I wish to."

"So why are you telling me?"

"I need your help."

Zoe stood up, looming over Percy Jackson's small form. "I would never willingly help a male."

A raised eyebrow. "Not even your Perseus?"

Zoe paused, her eyebrows furrowed. "How do you know about him," She demanded.

"How do you think," The being gestured to Percy Jackson's body. "It's no coincidence that Percy Jackson's full name is Perseus."


... Maybe more than just plot crumbs— ALSO I've finally reached a place in the plot that has been in my mind for SO LONG.

It's not super long, sorry :/ BUT its my 2 year anniversary on wattpad so there's that.

(I'm trying to keep this short so I think I'll end the AN here, there's so much I could talk about but I'm keeping it short for both of our sakes)

'Til next time

Published: Mar. 17, 2022

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