Chapter 14 || The Best Part of "Believe" is the Lie

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Aka: *sighs* And Hereeee's Apollo!

If he was being completely honest, Apollo had no idea what was going on. Artemis needed him at Camp Half-Blood for some reason (something about a weird demigod?) and it wasn't like he was gonna say no. Just think of how annoyed Arty would be with him there.

Now, Apollo knew that everyone hated to see him show off, but he couldn't help himself as he pulled up in the blinding sun chariot. Pulling his sunglasses off, he beamed at the campers that had gathered around him – mainly his kids, but someone needed to admire him.

"Now, now, hold the applause," He laughed, "I know I'm awesome."

There was a loud snort from an auburn haired goddess in the back of the crowd. "No one's even clapping dipshit."

"Ah, but Arty, I can hear it ringing in my ears."

"I think that's just because of how empty your brain is."

Apollo tutted. "I'll have you know that my brain is very full."

"And now you've surely gone crazy–" She was cut off by her brother.

"Crazy is a relative term, and one that doesn't apply to me 'cause it isn't true."

"Isn't true?" Artemis sniggered, "I think that's the craziness talking."

"Nope!" Apollo said, popping the 'p'. "I'm the only one talking."

Artemis couldn't find anything to say.

"Now!" Apollo clapped, "Where's that demigod you wanted me to see?"

Artemis dropped her head to her chest, staring at her feet in exasperation. Waving Apollo over, she led him to the climbing wall where one Perseus Jackson was trying not to die. The two of them watched the dark-haired demigod, oblivious to the stares, as he tried again and again to get to the top. They never saw his eyes as he burned himself on the lava, they never saw his eyes as he sat depleted on the ground.

But the moment he turned around, they could see his ocean-green eyes. Paired with his raven hair, it created a combination that was very familiar to both of the out of place gods.

Apollo couldn't help himself when his jaw dropped open. Staring wide-eyed at the scrawny demigod, he disbelievingly glanced at his sister. Artemis pursed her lips and nodded, long having come to terms with the demigod's looks. Looks that matched his namesake (the original one, that is) to a T.

Artemis dragged Apollo away from the staring demigods, to the Big House. Apollo let himself be dragged, his mind still on the preteen demigod.

"He looks just like him," Apollo whispered, even as Artemis's grip tightened on his wrist. "He looks just like him, but he's gone. There's been no trace of him for millenia, and then this demigod shows up?"

Finally releasing Apollo's wrist as the twin gods stood on the porch of the Big House, Artemis threaded her fingers around her braid. "Chiron doesn't think he's a demigod."

"So it could be him?" He asked, locking eyes with his twin.

"Possibly," Artemis commented, "But if it is, he doesn't remember anything."

Apollo ran his hand through his hair. "Not even–"

"No. Not even that."

Threading his fingers with his sister's, Apollo looked over Camp Half-Blood, as gods tend to do. As the god of the sun, Apollo could see where the sun touched; and tended to check on Camp Half-Blood every few decades. The camp had changed drastically since then. Last time he checked in on the camp, it had been right after the American Civil War, the greek/roman clash. He had visited to (help) erase the memories of the romans from the minds of the demigods.

Apollo was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice a demigod walk up to him.

"Believe it or not, seeing the twin archers standing on the porch of the Big House holding hands is actually rare. We never see that here."

Apollo jumped, yanking his hand from his sisters, and spun to face the demigod. Silena Beauregard stared defiantly back.

Daughters of Aphrodite were thought to be ditzy and shallow, but Silena demolished the stereotypes. She was one of the first Aphrodite kids to say "No, we are demigods too," and others followed in her path.

Out of the corner of his eye, Apollo saw a demigod – Perseus – freeze with one foot on the steps. With wide eyes, the demigod slowly lifted his foot off the step before sprinting off to the cabins.

"Hey!" Apollo shouted, running after him.

Artemis watched for a second before shouting after her twin, "Oi dipshit! You're a god, you can teleport!"

Cursing, Apollo bent over, unnecessarily catching his breath.

"What's so special about Percy?" Silena asked, stepping up beside The Huntress.




"So?" Silena reminded the goddess. "What's special about him?"

The silver eyes of a goddess met the multicoloured eyes of an Aphrodite demigod. "Everything."

Watched over by the twin archers, Perseus Jackson was special.

Artemis calling Apollo dipshit? I find it hilarious.

I was stuck on this chapter for a while and then I went "Oh yeah, Apollo's supposed to be here too." So then y'all got stuck with Apollo's stupidity. I don't like writing Apollo. Writing him caused me to question my romantic orientation more than once. (Also, when writing, I showed my brother the "I'm the only one talking" bit, and he liked it [I think]. I'm very proud of it.)

In a slew of homework stress and sleep deprivation anger, I wrote a rant on a draft chapter of this book about commenting "update" every fucking time I post a new chapter. I have no plans to actually publish it, but you never know if my sleep deprivation will cause me to do something I'll regret.

Also, it has been ONE YEAR since I first started writing (and subsequently published) this fanfic! ONE WHOLE YEAR... Covid is screwing with my perception of time. And I got 300 followers too... (Lmao I bribed my followers with this update)


I might not have said it already, but I have a Danger Days oneshot series! On Wattpad, its all in one book called The Stars Watch Over Us All. I'm very proud of it. I would love it if you read it, but I won't force you to do anything.

(Okay okay I'm done, I need to learn how to make shorter ANs this is a mishmash of craziness and nearly the same length as the chapter itself)


Peace ✌︎︎
Published: March 17, 2021 (It's been one year holy shit)

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