Chapter 6 || Zoe's Dream

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This chapter is dedicated to ShengZhang5 for being awesome 😎

Zoe got out of her bed, still thinking about her dream. Was that really Perseus? She tried her best to remember what happened that night.

• • •



The two were lying on their back, looking at the stars.

Zoe looked at him out of the corner of her eye, "Are-are you a God or a Titan?"

Perseus stared at the night sky, thinking of an answer, and decided on: "Neither."

"So you are a Titan?"


Zoe turned onto her side, facing Perseus and propping her head on her hand, "Well? What are you then?"

"Nothing important."

"If you are not a God or a Titan then you are a... Primordial?" Zoe's voice died out at the end, fearing what the answer may be.


Zoe glared at him, "Can you say anything longer than two words?"

Perseus's lips twitched, "Yes."

Zoe kicked his shin, causing Perseus to sit up, clutching his leg.

"Geez woman, your feet hurt."

Zoe sat up as well, looking proud, "I am a daughter of Atlas after all."

Perseus put a finger to his lips, pretending to think, "Who's Atlas again? Oh right, the weak Titan."

Zoe opened her mouth to say something, but either thought better of it or gave up. She got to her feet and held a hand out for Perseus to grab.

"C'mon, stand up."

Perseus took her extended hand, using it to pull himself up, "Zoe, I need to tell you something."

At that exact moment, thunder rumbled, cutting off what he was going to say. Perseus looked up at the sky, silently cursing Zeus for interrupting the moment.

"I'm sorry my Star, but I need to go. I will see you soon."

With that, he flashed out, leaving Zoe to wonder what he was about to say to her. She looked skywards, cursing whoever stopped Perseus from continuing.

• • •

Perseus flashed back into the cave in Crete, "What do you want," He asked, annoyed with Zeus.

"We have been discussing-"

Hera cut him off, "No, we have not been discussing. Zeus has been declaring. He says that we are going to attack Mount Othrys tomorrow regardless of how many allies you have gathered."

"It's the best plan we have! If we attack later, it could give Father and the others a chance to find us," Zeus tried to back his plan up.

Perseus stared off into space, thinking, "That is not a bad idea. I will let our spy know."

"We have a spy?!"

"Yes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go tell him," With that, Perseus flashed out, leaving the others to wonder who the spy was.

• • •

Perseus flashed back to Atlas's palace, preparing to tell him about the attack.

"My lord Atlas," He said, inclining his head, "The Gods have decided when we will attack Mount Othrys."

Atlas shifted to the edge of his seat, eager to hear Perseus continue, "Tell me."

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down big guy, I'm getting there. After Zeus declaring everything and leaving no room for negotiation, we have decided to attack Mount Othrys tomorrow at dawn."
Atlas slumped back in his seat, thinking, "Tomorrow? That seems a little early doesn't it? You can't convince Zeus to move it back a few days?"

Perseus looked him directly in the eye, "Zeus will not be swayed on the matter. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go report back to him. 'Till next time, Atlas."

With that, Perseus dramatically threw open the doors, and just as they closed, flashed into the shadows of the Throne Room on Mount Othrys.

Perseus stayed in the shadows, in the back of the Throne Room, not wanting to be seen and waited for Atlas to show up.

"My lord," Atlas said as soon as he flashed in, "The Gods will attack tomorrow."

A figure sat on the throne, his head adorned with an intricate crown, "Tomorrow? How did you come across that information, Atlas?"

"The Gods have recruited me as a spy, and made me swear an oath. But they didn't make me swear not to tell you, my lord."

The man on the throne tilted his head, "Do they know of your... Double agent role?"

"No my lord," Atlas said hurriedly, "They have no idea. They are planning on ambushing us and I thought that you would like to be warned ahead of time."

"Thank you Atlas. You will be rewarded."

During the entire conversation, neither of them noticed a Prota hiding in the shadows. Hiding, waiting, and getting increasingly annoyed with the world and the future.

So this was kinda hard to write, BUT I made to through, mostly because of ShengZhang5 because they commented, giving me some motivation. So, in the future, don't expect me to publish a new chapter every week, I am such a procrastinator and usually write most of the chapter the day that I publish it.

Anyways, thanks for 1k almost 2k!! I love y'all and kudos to everyone who commented, voted, and/or put this story on their reading list! Once again, I love y'all!
-Fluff 'n Puff out!
Published 4/27/2020

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