Chapter Ten

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We tried to argue on the matter, but the Alpha of this pack is one of the oldest and strongest there is. We couldn't do anything about it.

"We must give our children to someone we can trust before they can be taken. And then we must give the Alpha two other babies that are not ours. Still borns preferably. I can not bare to lose my child." Callista stated.

"Then when the time is right, we may get them back." I said cheerfully.

"Hopefully, but we would have to ask the council before we could get them back. But they could still be taken from us." She responded.

"Rhesus, I can't bare to lose our child and you. How will the baby even survive if he forces us to remove the mark? You know how much pain that puts a wolf through, let alone an unborn child." I cried. I honestly could not bare the thought of loosing him or our child, but both were happening.

"Sh. We'll get through this, babe. I don't know how, but we will." Rhesus told me as he wrapped his strong arms around my delicate body. I may not actually be delicate, but I felt like it.

"Maybe that's father's plan? To get us to break our bonds so that the children will not survive." Kaleb suggested.

"That may be so. Maybe a couple Alpha's who can't have their own children will take them? They do after all have Alpha blood." I suggested. I still had tears trickling down my face, but I wasn't wailing or anything.

"So I take it that its time for us to move Nica's stuff into my room." Kaleb suggested.

"I would assume so." Callista stated; bitterness lacing her tone. She wasn't very happy about Kaleb and I, but neither was anyone else.

I was shocked when I found out that they were mates because it is such a rare thing to find your one and only these days. Most wolves don't find their mates until late in their life; if at all.

"Let's just get this over with." I sighed.

We all made our way to Rhesus' room to grab my clothes. We moved them to Kaleb's room.

"I'll be just down the hall. Let me know if you need anything." Rhesus told me as he pecked my lips and placed a tender kiss to my stomach.

"I will." I whispered.

Callista and Rhesus left after that, closing the door behind them as they went.

"How far along are you?" Kaleb asked.

"Almost 3 weeks." I sighed.

"Well how long do you have before you start showing?" He asked.

"About 4 to 8 weeks from now." I replied as I rubbed my stomach.

"Really! Is that because you have Alpha blood too? The baby develops faster?" He asked. Geez, did no one tell him about the development of werewolf children?

"Yeah..." and I went on to explain to him the development of werewolf children with different bloodlines. (Explained in Chapter Nine.)

"That's so cool!" He grinned.

"Yeah. So if and when we have kids, they'll develop in a similar state." I said with a small smile.

"Yeah." He replied; his mood taking a turn for the worst.

"Calli and I will never be able to be together, will we?" He asked; a frown set on his gorgeous face.

"No, I don't think so." I whispered. I felt bad for them because they're one of the rare few to actually find each other; mates.

"I see why my brother has feelings for you, and why he approached you. You're kind, caring, sweet, cute, and sexy. Not to mention you look like the kind of person that likes to crack a few jokes." He grinned; walking towards me.

"Did you just call me s-sexy?" I asked. I kind of stuttered over the word sexy though.

"Uh, yeah. Have you not seen yourself? You're gorgeous and everyone seems to know it, but you. I mean, you seem to know you're pretty, but you don't seem to take into account how attractive you really are." Kaleb said; wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Thank you." I whispered.

Being the Alpha's daughter everyone always told me I was pretty, but I never believed them until now. I always thought everyone told me I was pretty because I was the Alpha's daughter, but I guess not.

"No need to thank me; I'm just being honest." He grinned; slowly leaning in.

"What are you doi-" I began to whisper, but he cut me off with planting his lips against mine.

They were soft and warm. And they were so much softer than Rhesus'. And then there was how he held me. He held me as though I were the most precious thing to him. He held me as though he would loose me at any moment. Now that I compared Kaleb and Rhesus' embrace, I realize that Rhesus really only stuck by me because he knocked me up, but I was so happy that he did.

Kaleb's kisses were passionate and caring, not lustful like Rhesus'. Ever so slowly he moved his lips against mine. He parted my lips with his, slipping his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance, but he soon won. His hand moved up to cup my cheek ever so gently. He was so gentle with me, whereas Rhesus was so aggressive.

I moved my arms so that they went under his arms and clung to his shoulders. His gentleness was causing a heat to spread throughout my body that only he could sate. I wanted, no needed him. He would be the only thing to keep me going once my child was gone.

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